August 27

10th anniversary: John Howard to speak



On the eve of the tenth anniversary of the referendum, the Hon. John Howard AC is to deliver The Neville Bonner Oration, “The Crowned Republic”. This will be the first time  Mr. Howard has spoken at any length on this issue since the referendum.

The noted broadcaster, Alan Jones will speak after Mr. Howard and move the vote of thanks.

(This event is the subject of a report in The Sydney Morning Herald, 27 August, 2009, “ Crowning Glory”)

It is now ten years since the people of Australia rejected the proposal to turn our Commonwealth into a politicians’ republic. In the face of one of the strongest and best funded campaigns, the people voted No in every State and in 72% of all electorates.

Allowing the republicans free reign to choose their model, John Howard treated them honourably and fairly. Just compare that with the 2020 Summit. While the proponents of the politicians’ republic lauded him when he put their proposal to the people, they have since blamed him for their loss.

John Howard has consistently supported the constitutional system, for long declaring Australia a “crowned republic “offering “the best of both worlds.”

As the 25th Prime Minister, he presided over a period of unparalleled economic prosperity, leaving his successors with an enormous surplus. Internationally, Australia has never had such weight in the councils of the world. She was instrumental in the liberation of the people of East Timor.

But some will feel that his greatest achievement was to allow the Australian people, in a fair and open vote, to affirm the faith of their ancestors in one of the world’s most successful constitutions.

And, let us never forget, the essence of that is our indissoluble Federal Commonwealth under the Crown, our Federal Crowned Republic.

John Howard did not revel in his great victory in 1999 and he has said little on the issue since then. Now, on the tenth anniversary of the vote, he has agreed to deliver the Tenth Anniversary Neville Bonner Oration.

His subject “The Crowned Republic” is in fact the name we have chosen to grace the latest version of our project to educate Australians, and especially the young and the newly arrived, about the very foundations of our nation, the Australian way of governance.

 All of the proceeds of this event will be dedicated to our education project.



The Hon John Howard AC delivers the Tenth Anniversary Neville Bonner Oration,“The Crowned Republic”

Date: Thursday 5th November 2009 11.00am for 11.30am

Venue: The Tattersall’s Club, 181 Elizabeth Street, Sydney NSW 2000.

Cost (including two course lunch and wine)  $125.00 per person ( $100 to ACM financial supporters)

Inquiries: Mr Jai Martinkovits: 02 9251 2500

RSVP: By Thursday 22nd October 2009


The Neville Bonner Oration is named in honour of the late Senator Neville Thomas Bonner AO (1922 – 1999), our first indigenous Commonwealth parliamentarian. 

In his speech at the 1998 Constitutional Convention, the only one to attract a standing ovation, he pleaded:-

 “….From the bottom of my heart, I pray you: stop this senseless division. Let us work together on the real issues…..”



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