A gala dinner was held on 8 June 2022 at Sydney’s Union, University and Schools Club. Attended by 130 members and friends, this was held by the Australia-Britain Society with ACM, and guests from the Friends of St. George’s and Descendants of the Knights of the Garter, the Cook Society and , the Cambridge Society.
The Guest of Honour was former High Court judge and one of the founders of ACM, the Hon Michael Kirby ( photograph below), and numerous dignitaries including former Governor-General Sir Peter Cosgrove and Lady Cosgrove, former Prime Minister the Hon John Howard (who proposed the loyal toast), former Prime Minister and Foundation ACM Executive Director, the Hon Tony Abbott, Lt Colonel Michael Miller representing Her Excellency the Governor, the former Judge and First National Convenor of Australians for Constitutional Monarchy, the Hon Lloyd Waddy, Dr. Douglas Sturkey, former NSW Court of Appeal judge the Hon Kenneth Handley. and the Rev the Hon Fred Nile MLC and Silvana Nile.

[ Hon Michael Kirby]
ustice Michael Kirby addressed the dinner and Professor David Flint moved the Vote of Thanks, during which he recalled the significant role played by the Hon John Howard in ensuring that the people could fin the fairest circumstances conceivable, decide whether the Crown could continue its role as the nation’s oldest institution now as a constitutional guardian and providing leadership beyond politics. He also recalled the role of the Hon Tony Abbott as the nation’s most determined defender of the role of the Crown in Australia. He reminded the assembly of correspondence by Sir Peter Cosgrove (who was present), correspondence with the then Prime Minister concerning the 2016 election which demonstrated the head of state’s important role as constitutional guardian.
Letters to and from the Queen were read by the Rector of St James King Street, the Rev Andrew Sempell .
The second half of the evening included concert pianist John Martin playing popular piano
pieces, and he accompanied four wonderful aspiring stars from the Pacific Opera and Opera . Australia.

Young people were well represented, including Daniel Lahood, Young ACM Ambassador seen above with former Governor-General. Sir Peter Cosgrove and former Prime Minister John Howard.
According to all reports the evening was a most appropriate way to celebrate Her Majesty’s Platinum