August 22

Republic Debate, Sky TV, Monday 730am 25 August,2008.



“The views of the Australian people on the republic are becoming much clearer and it is time to begin the serious work of moving towards a republican Australia," claims the Republican Movement, variously dismissed as “near comatose “ and “on life support” by the mainline press.

The republicans claim the ANU Australian Election Study, 2007, lends support for them to have the government divert millions more from schools, hospitals and other priorities into this folly which has already been the subject of six major allocations of the taxpayers funds.

Yet  the republicans refuse point blank to reveal to the people their plans both for the Constitution and the Flag.

They have had almost a decade since the 1999 referendum to do this.

They say they are upset because The Queen will hold a function for the UK Olympic Team.

It is not that the republicans want  The Queen to  receive Australians involved  in sports and other fields, which she does anyway.

This is just another desparate attempt to find some reason, any reason, to jettison our constitutional system and our flag.

A TV debate has been arranged on Sky Television in the breakfast programme at 730am on Monday 25 August,2008 between myself and Professor John Warhurst of the ANU, commentator on the Canberra Times and onetime chairman of the ARM. (Sky TV is carried across the national Foxtel network.)

This debate falls into a period of four days of concentrated discussion about our constitutional system.

…major  conference on federalism…


This will follow the twentieth conference of The Samuel Griffith Society, from 22 to 24 August at the Ridges North Sydney Hotel.

The Society is the nation's leading defender of that core principle in our constitutional system, federalism.

This principle has been under atatck for many years, and it is in the interests of our nation that it be defended, and vigorously so.

Speakers will include the Honourable Ian Callinan AC, formerly of the High Court, Professor James Allen, who contributes regularly to The Australian, Peter Faris QC, formerly of the National Crimes Authority, the columnist Paul Sheehan, Professor Anne Twomey, author of The Chameleon Crown, The Queen and Her Dominion Governors, Professor Kenneth Wiltshire, Senator George Brandis SC, the Federal Shadow Attorney General, Dr Matt Harvey, and US constitutional authority, Professor John McGinnis.

Subjects will range from federalism, Europe’s constitutional muddle as a result of the Treaty of Lisbon,a Bill of Rights, and the impact of treaties on our national sovereignty.

I am to give the dinner address on Saturday evening on the subject “ Supreme Summit Smashes Creaky Constitution” ( Pravda)

…“Plebiscite or Referendum: A Briefing”

On Monday, 25 August 2008 at 730pm, ( the evening of the Foxtel debate) there will be a PowerPoint presentation on the subject “Plebiscite or Referendum: A Briefing,” at the Balmain Leagues Club, First Floor Function Room, 138 – 152 Victoria Road, Rozelle, NSW.

The event has been arranged by Victor Taffa, the Secretary of the Balmain/Leichhardt No Republic ACM Branch.


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