March 1

2009 Queensland Election


A State election has been called for 21 March 2009, about six months before the end of the current term. The election will be held following a redistribution which has resulted in three  seats being moved to the south-east of the state.  The governing Labor Party ( ALP) is led by the Premier Anna Bligh, with Lawrence Springborg leading the Liberal National Party, LNP, a merger of the Liberal and National Parties.

The election is for 89 seats in the Legislative Assembly. There is no Legislative Council in Queensland. The ABC’s Antony Green has produced an excellent commentary on the election.


The Governor has appointed:

Monday, 23 February 2009 to be the day of issue of the Writ.

Saturday, 28 February 2009 to be the cut-off day for electoral rolls for the election.

Tuesday, 3 March 2009 to be the cut-off day for the nomination of candidates for the election.

Saturday, 21 March 2009 to be the polling day.

Monday, 20 April 2009 for the return of the Writ to the Governor.

…letter to candidates….

 Believing the people are entitled to know the attitudes of candidates for political office on such basic matters as our constitutional system and our  flag, the ACM Election Coordinato Justin Brooker is writing about this to candidates in the election. All responses will be posted to this site.


How visitors use this information is a matter for them. Some may wish to work for candidates; others may find it affects their voting intentions. This is a matter for each voter.


This is the text of the letter*:

 Dear Candidate, 

Australians for Constitutional Monarchy (ACM) is an unaligned, grassroots association which has a support base of over 20,000 Australians.  

In the 1999 referendum we played a leading part in the No campaign with over 50,000 of our supporters volunteering to help.

ACM’s mission is to preserve, to protect and to defend our heritage: the Australian constitutional system, the role of the Crown in it and the Australian Flag.   

ACM has divisions in all States, including Queensland. 

So that our supporters and the general public may know your views and policies on these matters in the coming election, we are writing to you to inquire whether you support these important aspects of our heritage, and any plans you may have to change them.    

We would be grateful if you could answer the questions below.   

An early response would be appreciated.

 Yours Sincerely,

Justin Brooker,

Election Coordinator,

Australians for Constitutional Monarchy 




Question  1.    Do you support the role of the Australian Crown in the Australian Constitutional system, including the constitutions of the States? Yes/No [If, you do not support the role of the Crown in the Australian Constitutional system, how would you replace the Australian Crown?]    

Question 2.   Do you support the retention of the Australian National Flag? Yes/No  

Question 3. Do you support the retention of the Queensland Flag? Yes/No  

Question  4.   Do you believe there are any significant aspects of the Australian constitutional system which should be changed ?  Yes/No [If you think significant aspects of the Australian constitutional system should be changed, what are they?]     

Question 5.    Do you believe that constitutions should only be changed after all of the details have been placed before the people and with their approval in a referendum as is prescribed in section 128 of the Federal Constitution? Yes/No  

Question 6.   Would you oppose any change to the Australian National Flag being effected other than following a popular vote in accordance with the provisions of section 3(2) of the Flag Act, 1953.  Yes/No
Question 7.    In the event of proposed changes to the Constitution or to the Flag being referred to a vote by the people, as you support equal and adequate public funding be made available for  both the yes and no cases?  Yes/No 


*[Responses will be posted to this site.]  



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