June 9

Clapped-out baby-boomers killed republic, says republican editor

Clapped out baby boomers have killed the republic, says the editor of the new online newspaper from the Murdoch News Limited group. He is David Penberthy, formerly editor of Sydney’s highest circulating newspaper, The Daily Telegraph.   He edits The Punch and on The Queen's Birthday (8/9) he argues that from the referendum down to the 2020 Summit, the elites have commandeered the republican debate.

He says something I tried to convey to Senator Brown. The people, especially the young, are not interested.

 “Aside from the odd burst from an arts student intern working at Triple J, you never hear young Australians talking about a republic. For good or for ill – and some of it is definitely for ill – all the passion we’ve seen from younger folk over the past few years has been reserved for hanging Aussie flags from their cars and getting southern cross tatts on their ankles.”   Read more



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