August 17

Monarchist Confession

The Australian’s widely read political gossip column STREWTH ,  currently written by

Nick Leys and Andrew Fraser, revealed an amusing side to Canberra life. (This was published on Friday, 18 August, 2006.)

Under the heading, “Monarchist confession”, Strewth   said that Canadian columnist Mark Steyn may have been the drawcard at Wednesday night’s dinner for conservative Liberals in Canberra, “but Finance Minister Nick Minchin’s effusive thank-you speech almost stole a very entertaining show.”


“The function was held at Old Parliament House which, as Minchin gleefully pointed out, was the venue for the 1999 Constitutional Convention. Proudly wearing his Australians for Constitutional Monarchy tie and reminiscing about the good old days, Minchin declared it wonderful to be back in the building where he and others had cunningly fooled the republicans into adopting a model – an appointed head of state – that would never pass muster with the electorates. Practically everyone in the audience laughed except Malcolm Turnbull, ex-Australian Republican Movement chief turned ambitious Liberal MP, who was not amused. "Hello, Malcolm," Minchin teased.”




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