January 4

Prince Charles: Duty and Service


Prince Charles has established a veritable empire of charities touching upon those eclectic areas of interest to him ranging from the disadvantaged, through education, the environment, architecture and other areas. 

As we report in the current issue of The Australian Constitutional Defender, His Royal Highness has views and expresses them; he has beliefs with which not everyone may agree, but he pursues them with passion but with   dignity. Indeed in some areas, he could be fairly said to have been ahead of public opinion.

The Queen has paid tribute to one particular aspect of Prince Charles’ work which began 30 years ago when he established the Prince’s Trust. As Her Majesty says in the video below, he has offered opportunities to a vast number of young people, opportunities which have changed their lives. This video is followed by one which illustrates just some of the extraordinary range of activities undertaken by The Princes Charities.

The current issue of The Defender is now ready for printing, and once the holidays are over should be  delivered  in about two weeks. The Defender goes to everybody on the ACM mailing list.

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