August 3

2010 Federal Candidate Responses



Eric Abetz
Liberal Party Senate Candidate (TAS)

I, Eric Abetz declare that, if elected, I will comply with the six statements

Nikolee Ansell
Australian Labor Party Cadidate for Wide Bay

I have very limited time sorry so do not have the resources to reply to your survey other that to quickly say I am a republican and I personally wish it had happened years ago. I strongly resented the way Howard doctored the referendum questions to muddy the waters, as the question of the model should have remained separate and subject to further discussion. The idea of a directly elected President was what stopped it happening. The net result was that a very costly exercise was wasteful to the taxpayers. Furthermore, the process was put back another decade or two as I would cynically suggest was no doubt Howard’s intention.

Juliet Arkwright
Liberal Party Candidate for Throsby

I, Juliet Arkwright declare that, if elected, I will comply with the six statements

Australian Labor Party

Labor believes that first and foremost our Constitution should reflect Australia’s status as a parliamentary democracy and an independent nation. The Prime Minister, Julia Gillard believes that at some point Australia will become a republic. Federal Labor’s vision for Australia has long included a national referendum on Australia becoming a republic. Federal Labor believes that modernising Australia’s Constitution entails a transition to an Australian Republic, with an Australian Head of State, who can fully represent our traditions, values and aspirations as a nation.
A re-elected Gillard Labor Government will not change the Australian flag. The Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, supports retaining the Australian flag in its current form.

I do not believe there are significant aspects of the Australian constitutional system which should be changed
The Government is committed to ongoing reform of Australia’s constitution. However, there are many questions to consider before embarking on the process of conducting a constitutional referendum. In particular, whether there is a need for change and whether there is public support as evidenced by broad community consensus.

It is well known that constitutional change is difficult to achieve. Obviously that means it will be necessary for the Government to consult the community about the timing and nature of any proposed reforms.

Federal Labor recognises that constitutional reform must be underpinned by popular ownership of the reform agenda, broad political support and effective community education. Any proposal to change the Constitution to make Australia a republic would be put to people in a referendum under section 128 of the Constitution.Federal Labor is committed to consulting with the Australian people, other political parties, the States and the Territories as to the form that the Republic should take. Federal Labor will promote community debate about the advantages and disadvantages of the various republican models. 
 The Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, supports retaining the Australian flag in its current form.

Federal Labor would ensure there were measures in place to promote community debate regarding any future changes to the constitution.

Federal Labor recognises that constitutional reform must be underpinned by popular ownership of the reform agenda, broad political support and effective community education.

Australian Greens

The Greens believe Australia should become a republic with an Australian head of state and will continue to move for a plebiscite on whether Australia should become republic in the next term of parliament.

The plebiscite should require a simple yes or no answer to the question: Do you support Australia becoming a republic.

Senator Bob Brown has a bill in the Senate for a plebiscite to be held at the next election on support for an Australian republic. Both the ALP and the Coalition have prevented debate on the bill.

Donald Bambrick
Independent Senate Candidate (QLD)

I wholy support our constitution as it is. Any change to remove the monarchy or change the flag must be as a result of popular vote at a referendum.

I think we have one of the best constitutional models in the world, and don't trust any of our current pollies with that, let alone with one they can ammend to suit them selves.

I will not support any bill to change the constitution with out a referendum 

David Barker
Independent Senate Candidate (NSW)

I, David Barker declare that, if elected, I will comply with the six statements

Wes Bas
Senator Online Party Candidate

In short SOL's policy on the issues you have raised would be determined by the people of Australia. Which I am sure you can appreciate after reading your organisations stance on referendums.  

On a personal, as a member of the Royal Australian Air Force Reserve and a former member of the NSW Police Force I believe that the crown and the sanctity of the national flag are of the upmost importance to the culture, history and future of Asutralia.  Your concerns are extremely important and I hope to see the next government providing appropriate legislation that SOL's constituents, and you, will be able to vote on in the near future.

Linda Brewer
Christian Democratic Party for Hasluck

It is CDP policy to stand up for the constitutional Monarchy and as a candidate for the CDP in Hasluck I fully support this policy.

Bob Brown
Australian Greens Senate Candidate (TAS)

The Greens believe Australia should become a republic with an Australian head of state and will continue to move for a plebiscite on whether Australia should become republic in the next term of parliament.

The plebiscite should require a simple yes or no answer to the question: Do you support Australia becoming a republic.

Geoffrey Brown
The Climate Sceptic Senate Candidate (NSW)

I,  Geoffrey John Brown declare that, if elected:

I will support the role of the Australian Crown in the Australian Constitutional system.  

I will support the retention of the Australian National Flag.

I do not believe there are significant aspects of the Australian constitutional system which should be changed

I will strongly oppose any bill designed to undermine the right of the Australian people to be consulted in a referendum before any change is made to the Australian Constitution.

I will oppose any change to the Australian National Flag being effected other than following a popular vote in accordance with the provisions of section 3(2) of the Flag Act, 1953, as in force on 1 August 2010

In the event of proposed changes to the Constitution or to the Flag being referred to a vote by the people, I will publicly insist on and vote for the adequate funding of both the yes and no cases.

Greg Butler
Australian Democrats Candidate for Hume

I, Greg Butler declare that, if elected, I will comply with statements two, four, five and six. I will not support statements one and three.

Fazal Cader
Liberal Party Candidate for Hotham

Happy to support the cause. Always have, since I swore my oath of allegiance to HM when I became an Australian back in 1974.

Milton Caine 
Christian Democratic Party Candidate for Newcastle

I, Milton Caine declare that, if elected, I will comply with all 6 statements.

Avi Chapman
The Secular Party of Australia Candidate for Boothby

I, Avi Chapman declare that, if elected, I will not support statements one to three but will support statements four to six.

Darren Churchill
Australian Democrats Senate Candidate (ACT)

I, Darren Mark CHURCHILL, declare that, if elected:

I am obliged under the Australian Democrats National Constitution to clearly state my Party’s official position, before stating any contrary position of conscience, which I may hold.

The Australian Democrats position is that:
“An Australian Republic would include –
(a) The Constitution should be amended to reflect our status as an independent democratic nation in which the People are Sovereign.
(b) Consistent with the principle of popular sovereignty, a fully elected constitutional convention should be held to develop republic models after a plebiscite has been held to determine that Australia wishes to become a republic.
(c) The separation of powers and the rule of law should be strengthened by creating an Australian Head of State with limited codified powers that adequately describe his or her relationship with the Executive, Legislature, Judiciary and the People.
(d) The Government should not have the power to arbitrarily dismiss the Head of State. Natural justice requires that this only be done on certain specified grounds in accordance with a procedure, which involves both Houses of Parliament.”
(Official Democrat Policy – as balloted 1 July 2001)

I recognise that this is the position of the majority of the members of my party.  I am not of the same opinion and I see absolutely nothing wrong with the existing system and the role of the Crown in it.  I do support open, balanced and informed debate on the issue.

The Australian Democrats believe that our flag and national anthems be incorporated into the Constitution.

I support our current flag and a vote or referendum before making any change.  I have no particular opinion on the national anthem.

The Australian Democrats support constitutional reform for:
· greater use of referenda and plebiscites;
· recognition of the Indigenous peoples of Australia;
· a Bill of Rights and Responsibilities;
· a clear Separation of powers;
· electoral reform for a more democratic and fully representative political system;
· an Australian republic;

My personal position is that I support all of these, except for a republic.  However, I do support open, balanced and informed debate on the issue.

The Australian people must always be consulted in a referendum before any change can be made to the Australian Constitution.  I would oppose any move to undermine that democratic right.

The Australian Democrats believe that our flag and national anthems be incorporated into the Constitution.

I believe this position would enshrine the flag in our Constitution.  I am happy with the existing arrangement but enshrining the flag would truly put it in the hands of the people.

YES! I wholly agree with statement six. Anything else would be unfair and undemocratic

Jess Clark
Liberal Democratic Party Candidate for Sturt

Constitutional reform is indeed something i take very seriously. The Liberal Democratic Party has no official position on whether Australia should become a republic or retain our constitutional monarchy. We have both Monarchists and Republicans members. As for my self, I do beleive in constitutional change but I am not a republican. As a political science student i understand that any constitutional change must balance a variety of factors/powers to ensure individual liberty and political and economic security.  As for the flag issue i am in favour of a change.

Malcolm Cole
Liberal National Party Candidate for Moreton

I do not support any change to an Australian republic without a referendum of the Australian people.I do not support any change to the Australian flag without a popular vote.In the event of either of these votes taking place, I would support equal funding for both the ‘yes’ and ‘no’ cases.

Sally Costella
The Climate Sceptics Party Senate Candidate (TAS) 

I am happy to provide my own personal opinions on the issues you raise. As noted above, these do not necessarily represent the views of The Climate Sceptics Party or any of its endorsed candidates.

Constitutional reform is an issue close to my heart. Let me declare from the outset that my husband and I are firm republicans. However, we argue equally Election Watch 2010 strongly that Australia’s remarkably stable system of parliamentary democracy should not be jeopardised by hasty, ill-conceived changes to the Constitution, such as was put to the people of Australia in the disastrous 1999 referendum.

Indeed, my husband publicly supported your own position, both before and after the referendum, and we both joined you in voting “No” to the horrendous Turnbull–Frankenstein model put to the Australian people on that occasion.

After that failure, my husband was determined to construct a republic model which maintains, as closely as possible, our current system of parliamentary democracy, but which gives the Australian people what they seek most of all: a popularly elected President. His book on the issue, A Republic For All Australians, was published in Senate proceedings in 2004.

Given this background information, you will understand why it is simple for me to make the following declarations in response to your detailed questions.

1. I do not believe that the British Crown should automatically reign as the Australian Crown. The Queen has performed impeccably in her role as Queen of Australia, but we should seek to patriate her powers at the end of her reign.

2. I believe that, when our remaining constitutional ties to the United Kingdom are finally severed, a new Australian Flag should be sought. It is not appropriate to have the flag of a foreign nation in the position of honour in our national flag. My husband has had one suggested flag design on his website since 1995, but neither of us are wedded to this design.

3. I declare my support for our current system of parliamentary democracy, save for the institution of the Crown, and declare that, if elected as Senator for Tasmania, will do all in my power to protect our current system in any move to patriate the powers of the Crown.

4. If elected as a Senator for Tasmania, I would absolutely oppose any Bill seeking to undermine the right of the Australian people to be consulted in a referendum before any change is made to the Australian Constitution. Indeed, my husband’s constitutional model, which I would put forward in any debate on this issue, strengthens the right of the Australian people to be consulted by referendum in any constitutional crisis.

5. If elected as a Senator for Tasmania, I would absolutely oppose any change to the Australian National Flag being effected other than following a popular vote in accordance with the provisions of Section 3(2) of the Flag Act 1953.

6. If I am elected as a Senator for Tasmania, in the event of proposed changes to the Constitution or to the Flag being referred to a vote by the people, I will publicly insist on and vote for the adequate funding of both the “Yes” and “No” cases. The wisdom of such a course of action was confirmed in the 1999 referendum campaign, where a widely Election Watch 2010 disparate set of organisations and individuals—yourself and my husband being among them—formed an effective coalition against hasty and ill-conceived changes to our Constitution, that would have wrought lasting and potentially irreversible damage to the fabric of our parliamentary democracy.

Despite our being on opposite sides of the republic debate, I thank you, Professor Flint, for offering a voice of reason at a time when patriotic fervour almost got the better of the nation. I also thank you for seeking my views on these important issues, and welcome you to contact me if you wish to have further discussions on these issues, either in public or in private.

Scott Cowans
WA First Senate Candidate (WA) 

The protection of the Australian constitutional system is at the heart of our campaign.  We believe the growing centralisation of power in the Federal Government's hands at the expense of the States is a dangerous trend for Australia.  Furthermore, we believe the Senate has been captured by the political parties far more than the authors of the Constitution ever intended, and want to see Senators truly representing the interests of the States they are supposed to represent.

WA First Senators would block any bill that attempts to change the Australian Constitution without a referendum. 

WA First Senators would also support adequate funding for both sides of the debate in a referendum. We are the only political party to refuse donations from corporate and union interests as we believe these vested interests have a negative influence on the political process.  We are therefore strong supporters of public funding.

WA First Senators would also block changes to the Australian Flag without a referendum.

We genuinely believe that our party is at the forefront of protecting the Constitution amongst those competing for Senate positions.  You can find out more about our campaign at

As lead Senate candidate for WA First, I am personally opposed to a republic and believe in the protection of a constitutional monarchy.

Greg Croke
Australian Democrats for Hindmarsh

I am a member of the Australian Republican Movement. I support having an Australian directly-elected President. I support changing the Australian flag, not only because of the Union Jack but also because I believe the colours are wrong. I also believe we should have a new national anthem on the grounds that both 'God Save The Queen'  and 'Advance Australia Fair' are terrible songs – we deserve better.

Bob Day
Family First Senate Candidate (SA)

I am a founding member of the Samuel Griffith Society and have been on the Society's Board of Management with John and Nancy Stone since it's inception.  I was the 'marketing adviser' to Tony Abbott (who remains a close friend of mine) when he was with Australians for Constitutional Monarchy.

Rest assured, these things are safe with me.

Brian Dettmann
One Nation Candidate for New England

I, Brian Charles Dettmann declare that, if elected, I will comply with the six statements

Malcolm B. Duncan
Independent Candidate for Wentworth

Thank you for your email. I see no point in responding to your questionnaire. I have long held the considered professional view (after 22 years at the NSW Bar) that it is not Constitutionally possible to create a separate Australian republic.    The Constitution clearly and finally entrenches Queen Victoria, Her heirs, Successors and Assigns.    The whole thing is a non-issue: we are stuck with what we have got until the Crown is succeeded otherwise than by Hereditary Succession or by an Amendment to the Act of Succession.

Lachlan Dunjey
Christian Democratic Party Senate Candidate (WA)

I, Lachlan Peter Charles Dunjey declare that, if elected, I will comply with the six statements

Anthony Fels
Senate Candidate (SA)

You can be assured that I am a passionate defender of our Constitution and heritage from the westminster system of Government.

ps – My wife & I have nominated as a Group and have drawn first on the ballot paper in WA. We both met Her Royal Highness, and the Duke of Edinborough at Marlborough House on Commonwealth Day in 2007, as delegates from the Parliament of Western Australia.

Santo Ferraro
One Nation Candidate for Wide Bay

I, Santo Ferraro declare that, if elected, I will comply with the six statements

Steve Fielding
Family First Senate Candidate (VIC)

Family First is able to confirm its support for the six statements outlined in your attachment.

Jane Foreman
Family First Candidate for Durack

I, Jane Foreman declare that, if elected, I will comply with the six statements.

Wendy Francis
Family First Senate Candidate (QLD)

I wanted to quickly assure you that YES, most definitely, I would strongly oppose any bill to circumvent the requirement for the need for a referendum to effect change to the Australian Constitution, and YES, in the event of proposed changes being referred to a vote by the people, I would support the adequate funding of both the yes and no cases.

Perry Garofani
Australian Democrat for Grayndler

I, Perry Lodovico Garofani declare that, if elected:  A first plebiscite “do you want Australia to become a republic” Yes or No. The vote would be non binding and conditional the public being consulted about different forms of republic. A constitutional convention would then be held to develop different models. The models would then be put to a second plebiscite followed by a referendum on the form of republic or choosing to stay as a constitutional monarchy 

I will support the retention of the Australian National Flag. If Australia were to become a republic I would support a competition to design a new flag with the options chosen to be decided by the people at the next federal election. 
I do not believe there are significant aspects of the Australian constitutional system which should be changed

I will strongly oppose any bill designed to undermine the right of the Australian people to be consulted in a referendum before any change is made to the Australian Constitution. I will oppose any change to the Australian National Flag being effected other than following a popular vote in accordance with the provisions of section 3(2) of the Flag Act, 1953, as in force on 1 August 2010. 
In the event of proposed changes to the Constitution or to the Flag being referred to a vote by the people, I will publicly insist on and vote for the adequate funding of both the yes and no cases.

Leigh Gatt
Independant Candidate for McMillan

I, Leigh Samuel Gatt declare that, if elected, I will support all six statements but will change compulsory voting to non compulsory.

George Gault
One Nation Candidate WA

I and many of our members have the same strong views as you and your members this view is mirrored in our Constitution and election mail outs. Keep up the good work 

Mishka Gora
Democratic Labor Party Senate Candidate (TAS)

I, Mishka Gora, declare that, if elected, will comply with the six statements

Robert Gordon
The Secular Party of Australia Candidate for McEwen

I, Robert Gordon declare that, if elected, I will comply with statements two, five and six. I will not support statements one, four and three. I also think that a bill of rights is needed.

Allan Green
Christian Democratic Party Candidate for Lindsay

You should be aware that the CDP fully supports the Constitutional Monarchy.

I also fully support it and our flag.

We are probably the only party left which has this as its policy.

I request that you refer your members in Sydney to help all CDP candidates such as myself.

We have a major task to stand up for Aussie values and Christian values in this election.

Stephen Hegedus
Independent for Richmond

I believe that any change to the Constitution should be conducted via a referendum. As such I would oppose any Bill that sought to circumvent the peoples' say in a matter of such public importance.

I am not prepared to make a promise in relation to the Flag Act, as it is not something I have studied in detail. I believe however that it would be appropriate for such a decision to be based on a legitimate expression of the will of the people, however that could be effected.

Craig Hesketh
One Nation Candidate for Riverina

I, Craig Hesketh declare that, if elected, I will comply with the six statements

Noel Jackson
Democratic Labor Party Senate Candidate (QLD)

I am sending my response to you. I personally support the Constitutional Monarchy and our flag as it is.

The DLP has no desire to change our flag nor our system of Government. 

Vickie Janson
Christian Democratic Party Senate Candidate (VIC)

I, Vickie Joy Janson declare that, if elected, I will comply with the six statements

Peter Kavanagh
Democratic Labor Party Member for Western Victoria

I think any attempt to make Victoria a republic should be subject to clear approval by a majority of voters at a plebescite. I am confident that the DLP would be in full agreement that any move to a republic by backdoor or unreasonable means should be resolutely opposed.

Louise Kedwell
One Nation Party Candidate for Chifley

I, Louise Kedwell of the One Nation Party declare that, if elected, I will comply with the six statements

John Kent
Democratic Labor Party Candidate for Bowman

I, John Aaron Kent declare that, if elected, I will comply with the six statements

Donald Keys
Liberal Democratic Party Senate Candidate (ACT)

Thank you for your interest in Liberal Democratic Party policy. As the LDP is a libertarian party we do not have a policy that favours the monarchy or a republic.We support an individual's right to choose and have the political mechanisms in place to protect that right of choice.
The LDP supports voluntary voting, citizens initiated referendums, fixed parliamentary terms, the option of recall elections, constitutional protection of private property and sunset clauses on legislation.

These reforms represent a tangible step forward in promoting both liberty and democracy in Australia. 
I hope this information clarifies our position.

Steve Lane
Independent Candidate for QLD

Sorry mate I’m in the opposite camp. In fact I proudly voted with the 75% majority in the ACT to change to a republic, the only state/territory that got up a majority. In fact on my website I suggest an alternative model – a federate state, because that is what we are in my mind. Of course I would support funding both camps in a referendum or similar. I also served in the armed forces and thus I support the retention of the current flag. I do not see the union jack in a quarter of the Australian flag, I only see 100% the Australian National Flag.

Liberal Party

We support the role of the Crown in Australia's constitutional system. The Coalition has no plans to make any changes to Australia's existing constitutional framework.

Furthermore, a Coalition government would never use legislation to change covertly or inconspicuously either the flag or the letter or character of the Australian Constitution.

The Coalition supports the national flag. It is a symbol of unity and enduring pride for the Australian people. The Union Jack heralds our respect for the rule of law, liberty, freedom and parliamentary democracy. The Southern Cross signifies our place in the world – a vibrant and dynamic nation at the footsteps of Asia. The Commonwealth star depicts our national origin: a federation of states and territories, united for the common good of the Australian people.

The Coaltion would always support adequate funding for both yes and no campaigns were any referendum to arise in relation to changes to the flag or constitution.

E-Jay Lindsay-Park
Independent Senate Candidate (QLD)

Please be assured, I am an ex servicewoman and can not think of any time that I would ever consider a change to our Australian flag! I am however, standing as an Independent Senate candidate and as such will represent the community views in relation to these issues through the appropriate democratic process

Robert Livesay
Australian Democrats Candidate for Maribyrnong

While the party has a policy for an eventual Australian Head of State, I would strongly oppose anything other than a properly constituted referendum. I would suggest say, three each of Republican and Monarchy models, and a France style run off between the two most popular.

Should referenda be concurrent with an election for the Federal or State governments, as the previous referendum was at the same time as a Federal by-electon, I will either be, or assist a candidate, and not direct voters on the Constitutional matters being voted on. This was Party policy at the previous concurrent by election and constitutional referendum

Alannah Mac Tiernan
Australian Labor Party Candidate for Canning

I, Allanah Mac Tiernan declare that, if elected, will comply with statements four, five and six, however I will not support statements one, two and three.

Nick Maine
Australia First Party Senate (QLD)

I, Nick Maine declare that, if elected, I will comply with all 6 statements.

Claire McErlane
Family First Candidate for Longman

I, Claire McErlane declare that, if elected, I will comply with the six statements

Ian Nelson
One Nation Senate Candidate (QLD)

Yes of course you have our support.

We in One Nation mobilized all our members in 1999 as well and I remember it well, an outstanding victory, I personally manned a booth in Cannon Hill here in Queensland.

Elaine Nile
Christian Democratic Party Candidate

I, Elaine Nile declare that, of elected, I will comply with the six statements

Frederick Nile
Christian Democratic Party Candidate

I, Frederick John Nile, declare that, if elected, I will comply with the six statements

Dino Ottavi
Independent Senate Candidate (TAS)

I can certainly pledge to you that if elected as an Independent Senator for Tasmania I will strongly and 100% oppose any bill to circumvent the requirement for the need for a referendum to effect change to the Australian Constitution on such an important matter.

I can certainly also add that I would also strongly support, in the event of proposed changes being referred to a vote by the people, the adequate funding of both the yes and no cases.  This is of course a just and fair thing to do.

Again I also would, in regards the Australian National Flag, be more than prepared to give my total support to the idea that any proposed change only be effected following a popular vote in accordance with the provisions of section 3(2) of the Flag Act, 1953,.  This again seems very fair and just.

Luke Portelli
Christian Democratic Party Candidate for Macquarie

I am all for Australia retaining its traditional political system and flag, though I would like to see us break off altogether from mother England and become a republic.

Brendon Prentice
Christian Democratic Party Candidate for Mitchell

I, Brendon Phillip Prentice declare that, if elected:

I will support the role of the Australian Crown in the Australian Constitutional system.

I will support the retention of the Australian National Flag.

Statement 3. I do not know enough about the Australian constitutional System to make this statement.

I will strongly oppose any bill designed to undermine the right of the Australian people to be consulted in a referendum before any change is made to the Australian Constitution.

I will oppose any change to the Australian National Flag.

In the event of proposed changes to the Constitution or to the Flag being referred to a vote by the people, I will publicly insist on and vote for the adequate funding of the no cases.

Ian Rossiter
One Nation Federal Candidate for Fadden

I Have great concerns about the way the past and present Governments have ignored the Australian Constitution in their efforts to destroy our heritage, sovereignty, and our country. I myself am a 5th generation Australian, who's grandfather fought at Gallipoli, and father fought the Japanese in Papua New Guinea for our freedom.

If elected I would certainly fight any attempts to change or remove the Westminster System, The Australian Constitution or the Australian Flag without the approval of the Australian people through referendum.

Paul Russell
Democratic Labor Party Senate Candidate (SA)

I can assure you that the DLP does not support any change to the Constitution of this great nation without reference to its people by the time honoured method of a full referendum.

the DLP does not hold a formal policy on a republic though, I think I'm correct in saying, it did seem to be pro-republican in its early days. A hang over from Irish Catholic roots and the influence of Daniel Mannix no doubt. Personally, "I'm with Flint!"

Megan Sampson
Senate Candidate (NSW)

I will work to ensure a referendum would be implemented in this case. currently our governnents do not consult  the electors. Id like to change this.

Bob Scates
Australian Labor Party Candidate for Mallee

I am a strong supporter of Australia becoming a republic as soon as possible I cannot promise what I do not support.

Alex Sharah
Christian Democratic Party Candidate for Parramatta

I, Alex Sharah declare that, if elected, I will comply with the six statements

Peter Neil Slipper
Liberal Party Candidate for Fisher

I Peter Neil Slipper declare that, if elected, I will comply with the six statements

Paul Spencer
Independent Senate Candidate (QLD)

I will fight with all my resources to stop any changes to our Constitution without a referendum. I do not believe any goverment funds should be used by either side. I do not support a change in our flag. I am sure that, my wife and running partner, Mary is as steadfast as myself. I can not ask her as she is at work. You can be sure that I am sincere because I intend to use a clause, relating to traders in towns, in the Maga Carta to get the GST taken off fuel and frieght.

We are tired of party politics.

We are not interested in the balance of power and we will not make deals. We intend to put forward Private Member Bills,e.g. break up the oil cartels, so the Australian people can see which politicians want to take Australia forward and which ones take their orders from someone else. They will change or be replaced at the next election by independents – we will not their electorates forget.

Our preferences go firstly to the other Independents and we have a devided ticket for the ALP and the LNP because they are as poor as eachother.

Bill Spragg
Independent for Mayo 

Although, I support your right to have a position on the matter of a Constitutional Monarchy, I personally do not support a Constitutional Monarchy. I also believe that the States should be abolished and this country should become a unified democracy without the arbitrary divisions which were created by the British Constitutional Monarchy during the settlement of Australia and are now enshrined in each State's individual constitution. If his act of stupidity had not occurred during colonisation we would have uniform laws and something more functional than the three levels of government we currently have.

If becoming a Republic would result in the states being abolished I would support it tomorrow. The current system of government allows cost shifting and buck passing so that no level of government can truly be held accountable for its behaviour. If we had a single central government with regional administrations we would know exactly who to blame and decisions about the country's welfare could be more co-ordinated. We would not have states vying with each other over a share of the commonwealth funds or competing to attract overseas business. The central government would decide where these foreign business should be established to best provide employment opportunities and avoid creating too high a demand on infrastructure and resources in an area

Jennifer Stefanac
Independent Senate Candidate (NSW)

I, Jennifer Stefanac declare that, if elected, I will comply with the six statements 

Timothy Dean Stieler
Family First Candidate for Oxley

I, Timothy Dean Stieler declare that, if elected, I will comply with the six statements  

Graeme Edwin(a) Strang
Independent Candidate for Cook

I remain confident that any internal disputes will be resolved satisfactorily to the benefit of all concerned parties. My main role is that of observer and adviser and see no reason for interfering with the harmonious co-existence which has been established

Darren James Vernede
Family First Candidate for Canning

I, Darren James Vernede declare that, if elected, I will comply with the six statements  

Bob Vinnicombe
One Nation Candidate for Blaxland

I, Robert Ian James Vinnicombe declare that, if elected, I will comply with the six statements

Russell Wattie
Independent Senate Candidate (QLD)

I still believe strongly in the retention of a Constitutional  Monarchy in Australia.

I have a lot of support within the community but more is always appreciated.

As I hope you can appriciate I am doing every thing with my campaign mostly on my own so my time is scarce I would ilke to be able to give you a fuller responce but againe time is and issue.

Thank you for the oppertunity and any support you can give.

Jennifer Whately
Christian Democratic Party Candidate for Stirling

I, Jennifer Suzette Whately declare that, if elected, I will comply with the six statements

Annette Williams
Secular Party

As a candidate for the Secular Party which advocates separation of church and state, I cannot support the concept of a Head of State who is also Head of the Anglican Church (or CofE if that is more accurate). There may be a case in the minds of some Party members for a constitutional monarchy if the religious role were done away with. I don't know.

Regarding the flag, the union jack on it is a collection of crosses (representing primitive and barbaric propitiatory human sacrifice) of christian saints patron to various parts of the British Isles, for whom there is no tradition in Australia other than perhaps to symbolise the group identity of descendants of immigrants from those parts. These "saints" date from a time when monarchy was anything but constitutional. Australia is now too populated by non-descendants of the British and we need a more inclusive symbol.

Whether by parliamentary change to the constitution or by referendum, our aim is to promote these two principles.

Trevor Phillip Young
Christian Democratic Party Senate Candidate (WA)

I, Trevor Phillip Young of Woodanilling, WA declare that, if elected, I will comply with the six statements

Jacqueline Young
Christian Democratic Party Candidate for O'Connor 

I, Jacqueline Young declare that, if elected, I will comply with the six statements


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