June 3

Another leading republican converts

Another prominent republican has changed his mind, and announced that he is a constitutional monarchist. He is Sir Peter Maxwell Davies.  When he was made Master of the Queen's Music in 2004, his republican tendencies caused a stir.

Just as two prominent Australian republicans changed their views at the time of Prince William’s visit, Sir Peter, who is The Queen's official composer, says he has been brought round to support the monarchy because The Queen is such a "fantastic role model".  

In a blow to those who are campaigning for some sort of politicians’ republic, he has praised the integrity of the royal family while criticising elected politicians as "dishonest".

Sir Peter said his views had changed due to his close contact with the Queen, according to a report filed by Auslan Cramb, the Scottish Correspondent of The Daily Telegraph, 19 May, London, “Peter Maxwell Davies says Queen has converted him to a monarchist”.

 "I would say I am no longer a republican," Sir Peter told Mr Cramb "I have come to realise that there is a lot to be said for the monarchy. It represents continuity, tradition and stability"

. "It is a better system than having a president and frankly I have been disappointed so much with our dishonest politicians. They are not telling the truth, any of them."

"But I have grown to be a huge admirer of The Queen. She is a fantastic role model who has selflessly put the interests of the country first."

"I appreciate what she does. I know it sounds obvious but she really loves and cares deeply about all the people of this country."

"It is a pity the politicians didn't follow her example, and it is a good job for them she can't stand for election."


"She has had quite an effect on me. I am not going to say what discussions we have had, but just watching her, listening to her, and the people involved with her, has made me re-think my beliefs. She has won me over, it was a progressive change.

…better off with The Queen….

Sir Peter has put his finger on the role of the Crown as a check and balance on the politicians in our system.

 "We are better off with The Queen than being run totally by politicians. It has been quite a journey for me, and one I never thought I would make. But that is the power of The Queen for you."

According to the Telegraph, Sir Peter, 75, added that the Queen and her son the Prince of Wales were "very knowledgeable about music" and the country would be "in good hands with him too".

He is to dedicate his ninth symphony to her, which Mr. Cramb reports, will be performed during her diamond jubilee celebrations in 2012 to mark her 60 years on the throne.  However, he warned that it would be "sweet mood music" but a very serious work reflecting the events of her long reign and would cover "good and bad, happy and sad".


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