January 25

Australia Day, 2013


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And when you are celebrating Australia Day tomorrow, do honour the Australian Flag which is once again under attack from the republican flag changers.

They have released a "sporting flag" which is just the thin edge of the wedge to shred our  Flag , one which flew over the first Parliament and under which Australians have served , fought and died.  ( We shall be posting an ABC 730  report on this soon)

So let remember all those who fought and died under the Flag so that we could remain our beloved free and democratic  Commonwealth of Australia.


The scene above is of Australia Day,1988. This was the Bicentennial First Fleet Re-enactment which the Hawke Government tried to stop. But The Queen and Prince Phillip lent their support.

When the Fleet was stranded in Rio, the government refused to help. As a result .of an appeal from Sydney radio station 2GB, the public raised the necessary funds.

Of all the ports the Fleet visited, it was only in Sydney where they were forbidden from going ashore. But when the Fleet did arrive, the republican politicans rushed not to share in the glory, but to seize it.

Are you surprised?


Keep Our Flag

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