January 7

But I said no new monarchists are allowed – AG

In news which will upset the Attorney General, our ACM Facebook now has over 27,000 fans or "likes" and  many are young. We have more fans than either the Labor Party or  the Liberal Party. We even have more than those powerful internet campaigners, GetUp!

And certainly more than the republicans.

[Mme Attorney General lays down the law ]

It all started when Jai Martinkovits recommended to our Board that the supporters who ran three separate ACM sites be invited to have these consolidated into one.  This was agreed by all and it has been a great success.

Now, in the week ending 2 January, 2012, 1150 people were “talking about” us. This is a statistical measure of activity which shows the number of “unique” people who had created a story about the page.

(All constitutional monarchists are unique but the use of the word  “unique” in this statistic means he or she is only counted once in the relevant period no matter how many stories he or she creates.) 

Of the fans, 52% are female and 45% male.


… surprise for Mme Attorney…


Most of them come from Australia, with 50% aged under 34, and one quarter aged under 17. 

When Nicola Roxon, famously claimed that there no new monarchists were being born, she was clearly not relying on any evidence. Let’s hope her conclusions in her new position of Federal Attorney–General are more evidence -based. We assume, Mme Attorney, that this was no more than an typical elite assumption – “This is what I think; therefore it must be true.”



Its reassuring to know that our Facebook page  is  reaching over 215,000 people.  This is the number of people in the week to 2 January who saw any content associated with our page.  Again the overwhelming majority of these are in Australia.

The situation with our principal website, www.norepublic.com.au is somewhat different. Last year we had 3.25 million page views with well over 12 million hits.

The majority (71.28%) come from Australia with sizeable overseas visits led now by the UK (9.63%) overtaking the US (5.72%) and Canada (3.5%). Germany, the Philippines and New Zealand follow.

Just imagine what we would have done with these tools in 1999. Or what we will do in the event there is another referendum.




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