Royal aides and security officials in London continue to assess the risks of embedding Prince Harry in the Australian Army, despite St James's Palace officials saying yesterday "there are no such plans" for the deployment say Jacquelin Magnay and Joe Kelly, The Australian’s reporters (26/4).
They broke the story on ANZAC day.
They explain the absence of reporting on these discussions is because of a deal which British media outlets have with Buckingham Palace and Clarence House. This is to censor coverage of royal plans in return for interviews later on such as that given by Prince Harry when he finished his 20 week deployment in Afghanistan.
Jacquelin Magnay and Joe Kelly insist that the Royal aides and security officials are continuing to assess the risks of “embedding” the Warrior Prince in the Australian Army, or otherwise involving him in operations as an observer. They report that the opposition defence spokesman David Johnston says it was a "great idea" but that a spokesman for the Defence Minister said nothing had been formally proposed at this stage.
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