July 1

“Cheers Ma’am”

We reported recently (“The Royal Family: An extraordinary bargain,” 30/6) about the enormous profit the British taxpayer makes form the Royal Family. It was good then to see a favourable comment from the London Murdoch newspaper The Sun, not normally a fan of the Royal Family. This was in an  editorial on 30 June, 2009 under the headline "Cheers, Ma'am" which followed a first editorial being a strong attack on the British government.

"THE Government could learn a lesson or two about economy from the Royal Family. The 83-year-old Queen is hardworking, devoted to public service – and notoriously thrifty with taxpayers' money. The monarchy raises more in tourist revenue than we spend keeping them in castles, cars and corgis.


"And they cost just 69p a head, less than half the price of a lemonade shandy all round. Now that's what we call value for money."

Even then, the 69p is The Queen's and the taxpayer gets the surplus revenue from the Crown Estate. 



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