July 15

Constitutional Convention on the Voice

With the Voice referendum in trouble, it is not too late for the government to think laterally. If, instead of the people being brought in at the end of the process just to vote, why not bring them in now with an elected, unpaid constitutional convention?

This is a solution to the issue of constitutional recognition argued from as long ago as 2015 by one non-profit organisation which, whatever the views of its members, declines to take a position on suggesting how people should vote on the issue which, it says, is beyond its remit.

That organisation – Australians for Constitutional Monarchy – is the only one in existence with a living experience of running a successful case in a referendum.

Published in the prestigious Australian Financial Review under the headline they chose. ‘ Take a Tip from the Monarchists on the Troubled Voice Process’.  Next day the Fin called for a constitutional convention too.


convention, Republican, republicanism

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