August 3

Federal Election 2010



A Federal election has been called for 21 August 2010.

…letter to candidates….

Believing the people are entitled to know the attitudes of candidates for political office on such basic matters as our constitutional system and our  flag, the ACM Election Watch co-ordinator Teresa Ragusa is writing about this to candidates in the election. You may find candidates responses through the link at the bottom of this page. 

How visitors use this information is a matter for them. Some may wish to work for candidates; others may find it affects their voting intentions. This is a matter for each voter. 

This is the text of the letter:

Dear Candidate,

Australians for Constitutional Monarchy (ACM) is an unaligned, grassroots association which has a support base of over 20,000 Australians.  In the 1999 referendum we played a leading part in the No campaign with over 50,000 of our supporters volunteering to help.

ACM’s mission is to preserve, to protect and to defend our heritage: the Australian constitutional system, the role of the Crown in it and the Australian Flag.  So that our supporters and the general public may know your views and policies on these matters, we are writing to you to inquire whether you support these important aspects of our heritage, and any plans you may have to change them.

According to some legal opinion, it would be possible for the Commonwealth Parliament, acting at the request or with the concurrence of the Parliaments of all the States to repeal section 8 of the Statute of Westminster, 1931 and then to amend the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act, 1900, without the need for a referendum.

Accordingly, we are requesting a pledge from you that you would strongly oppose any bill to circumvent the requirement for the need for a referendum to effect change to the Australian Constitution.

In addition, we request your confirmation that, in the event of proposed changes being referred to a vote by the people, you would support the adequate funding of both the yes and no cases.

As regards the Australian National Flag, are you prepared to promise that any proposed change only be effected following a popular vote in accordance with the provisions of section 3(2) of the Flag Act, 1953, as in force on 2 August 2010?

To help you to provide a response you may complete the form enclosed with this letter. It can be posted back to us, or faxed to us on (02) 9261-5033. Alternatively, you may prefer to write a letter.

An early response would be appreciated.

Kind regards,

David Flint




Statement 1. I will support the role of the Australian Crown in the Australian Constitutional system.
[If you do not support the role of the Crown in the Australian Constitutional system, how would you replace the Australian Crown, and how much more taxpayers’ money should be spent on this?]

Statement 2. I will support the retention of the Australian National Flag.
[If you do not support the retention of the Australian National Flag, please describe the new flag you are proposing]

Statement 3. I do not believe there are significant aspects of the Australian constitutional system which should be changed
[If you think significant aspects of the Australian constitutional system should be changed, what are they?]

Statement 4. I will strongly oppose any bill designed to undermine the right of the Australian people to be consulted in a referendum before any change is made to the Australian Constitution.

Statement 5. I will oppose any change to the Australian National Flag being effected other than following a popular vote in accordance with the provisions of section 3(2) of the Flag Act, 1953, as in force on 1 August 2010.

Statement 6. In the event of proposed changes to the Constitution or to the Flag being referred to a vote by the people, I will publicly insist on and vote for the adequate funding of both the yes and no cases.

To see the responses received from candidates click here


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