December 29

Flag changers regroup

We notice that it has not taken long for flag changing republicans to put pressure on the new Federal Government to change our flag and throw out our constitution.


This letter, from Horace Consandine, of Malabar, NSW, was published in Sydney’s Daily Telegraph on 26 December, 2007:-


“Labor controls all State Governments. Labor has a new Australian Labor Party Federal Government. The Australian Greens holds the balance of power in the Australian Senate after July 1, 2008. What does that mean for decent ordinary hard-working Australians? Surely now there is only one outcome. Australia must become a Republic of Australia and get a new Australian flag as soon as possible. 

The Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, promised just before the election that there would be no action on a republic in this term “if at all.”

(We were surprised to see the very same letter was published in the Sydney Sunday paper, the Sun Herald on four days later, on 30 December, 2007. Does the Sun Herald borrow letters form the Telgraph? While we were trying to find a webbased version of this letter -we failed – we found an unofficial alternative Sydney Morning Herald letters page.  It even sports the SMH logo. We suspect that it is owned by someone's cat or dog) 


It would be reasonable to assume that the flag and the republican issues were well and truly settled in 1999. The republicans have failed to make a case why more taxpayers funds should be wasted on re-opening this issue when it was so decisively rejected by the people in all states in 1999.  Nor have we heard a convincing case from the republicans for changing our flag, adopted so long ago as the journal cover below illustrates.


If it had been decisively approved, as the richly endowed and media and politically supported campaign hoped, would anyone tolerate for one moment an attempt to reverse that?


 And let’s hear no more republican whinging about the model or the question. The model was the choice of the over whelming majority of the republican delegates at the Constitutional Convention.


 The question was settled by a parliamentary committee consisting of mainly republican politicians.


And incidentally, the interest in and respect for our Queen and the Royal Family has in no way abated. The number of viewers of The Queen’s Christmas Message and other videos on the the Royal You Tube Channel, and the embedded sites, will soon pass the one  million.mark. To this should be added the 100 million who watched it on television, and the many others who  heard it on radio, or saw heard or read extracts.



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