September 20

Flagging on


Peter FitzSimons continued the campaign by the Fairfax media against the Australian Flag – for the third time in the last three weeks. He says that when Australians say it represents our heritage and we must keep it he says the obvious answer is: “ Waddya mean ‘we’, paleface?”  What the flag actually asserts, he wrote in the Sun Herald (13/9) is “the primacy of the Anglo citizen over everyone else. And that , my friends, is un-Australian. Gothchers! “

[ The second proposed new flag reads

Actually our National Flag symbolises the pillars of the nation, the English language, our Judeo Christian values, the rule of law, leadership above politics through our oldest institution, the Australian Crown, representative democracy through the Westminster system, and our indissoluble Federal Commonwealth under the Crown. Much was imported from Britain but then Australianised. Should all of this be thrown out?

This is quite apart from the fact that the Flag under which our soldiers sailors and airmen fought. The way one was hidden in the hell hole at Changi, to be the first flag to fly over the liberated island of Singapore must move all Australians.

So, Mr. FitzSimons, when are you going to stop speaking English? Will you be proposing we abandon our legal system?


Keep Our Flag

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