November 22

How’s this for sedition?

This was the title of a provocative piece against the proposed new definiton of sedition written by Chas Savage for The Age on 24 October, 2004.

I came across it ,reproduced on the site of the Evatt Foundation.

It is a call to Australians to commit the offence of sedition.

In it he writes:

"… I urge all Australians to hold the sovereign and her heirs and successors with hatred and contempt.

"Lecherous, callow, adulterous; inbred, exclusive and foreign; they remind us that, by them, we are made no democratic people.

"Because they are appointed by bloodline, and because talent, accomplishment and merit enter not into the question of their position and the prominence accorded to them, they exist as proof that government can be degraded by the powerful in service of their own interests.

"As such, they deserve our democratic hatred and contempt."

Mr Savage appears often it seems on the ABC and is writing his first novel.

What is surprising is thta this should appear on the site of the Evatt Foundation. Dr Evatt was, as with all the great Labor leaders , a strong supporter of the monarchy.

Dr. Evatt would have been horrified by the sheer nastiness of these words.

And as to royal service, a subscriber reminded me when I reported on the Al Quaeda threat to The Queen that " …the personal contribution by the Royal Family itself to the armed forces is often forgotten.

"King George himself took part as a Midshipman in the Battle of Jutland, the Duke of York at the Battle of the Falklands, apart from Lord Mountbatten and Duke of Edinburgh in the Second World War.

"What is often overlooked is the fact that the Queen herself trained as a driver in the Woman’s Army Corps in the Second World War.

"In my view it will take more than Al Quaeda to stop the contribution of the Royal Family maintaining the stability of the UK and the Commonwealth!"

And in a more serene moment another subscriber says that he attended Evensong at the Chapel of Magdalene College on the recent Rembrance Sunday.

He thought I might appreciate the following extract from the order of service, which I do and I pass on to all our subscribers: "For the blessing of community in our nation and the Commonwealth and for those who have used thy gifts to strengthen and enrich our lives

We give thee thanks and praise. For our Sovereign Lady, Queen Elizabeth; for her care for her people, and her concern for them at all times and in all places

We give thee thanks and praise. Continue in her and her family your royal gifts of service;

grant them strength to carry out their duties and preserve them from harm and danger,

Lord in thy mercy hear our prayer. For the peoples of the Commonwealth and their government;

for those called to lead them through the crises of our times, and through racial and social tensions,

Lord in thy mercy hear our prayer…" How much more peaceful, how much more serene to read these words, rather than the bile that comes from Al Quaeda, or indeed our own literary elites

Until next time,

David Flint


Chas Savage

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