May 16

Leading republican extols monarchy – approval of reign of Prince Charles


 On The Bolt Report on Channel 10 (15 May 2011, Andrew Bolt interviewed former Federal Liberal Treasurer Peter Costello who campaigned for the 1999 republican model  and former NSW Labor Treasurer Michael Costa.

In this extract the panel first considered a  report in the Sunday Telegraph and other  News Limited papers that Mr. Tim Mathieson wanted to ask his partner,  Prime Minister Julia Gillard, to marry him but had not yet asked her. Both had attended the Royal Wedding.

…Prince Charles' succession approved at PM's Lodge….


The report quoted Mr. Mathieson as saying that "having met Prince Charles, I'd be quite happy with him being head of state of Australia, defininitely.

" I was really struck by how normal he is."

…Mr. Costello – republicanism an aberration?…

The big question for Australian monarchists is not who is marrying whom in political circles.

It is whether Liberal grandee, Mr. Peter Costello, is coming back home to his once great allegiance, the constitutional monarchy?



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