March 28

London journal leads with ACM call to honour The Queen

We have just received two marvellous journals from London, “The Crown” and “The Monarchy”.  Published respectively by The Constitutional Monarchy Association (CMA) and the leading international monarchist organization founded in 1943, the International Monarchist League, these are the first issues for 2007.






The Crown leads with the ACM essay, “Fifty –five years of National service,” and contains interesting articles and photographs on the Royal Family.  The Monarchy covers news and photographs from the Netherlands, Norway, Denmark, Romania, Serbia, Russia, Malaysia, Japan, Bhutan, Nepal, and Jordan.  These two journals allow those who are interested in constitutional monarchy to be very well informed on developments across the globe.






For those readers who do not know of The International Monarchist League, it was formed in 1943, at a time when the tide of the Second World War was beginning to turn in favour of the Allies and the Soviet threat to the Balkan monarchies had been perceived.  The founders had seen what had happened in Central Europe when the Hohenzollern and Habsburg monarchies had been overthrown, leaving the vacuum to be filled by Nazism, and they feared that the fall of the Romanian, Bulgarian, Yugoslav and Albanian thrones would lead to the eastward expansion of communist domination.  Unfortunately, such fears were entirely justified and, despite the collapse of Soviet-style communism, these countries to a greater or lesser extent still fall far short of the standards of government they enjoyed when they were monarchies.  In other nations of the world, too, such as Iran, Libya, Laos, Vietnam, Ethiopia, Rwanda and Burundi, the abolition of monarchy has been followed by repression, strife and misery. Restoration of the monarchy in Spain resulted in a return to democracy and prosperity.






The League’s aim is, quite simply, to support the principle of monarchy. It is independent of any political party or group, and its subscribers are drawn from many countries and all walks of life. As well as receiving the quarterly journal, Monarchy, subscribers have the opportunity to take part in the activities arranged by Headquarters.






 The CMA is non-political and very broadly based.  It has thousands of subscribers throughout the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth and the rest of the world of many political persuasions, who come from a variety of ethnic and religious backgrounds and its Council represents this diversity.  It has no formal links with any political or religious organisations or with Buckingham Palace.  It assists the man-and-woman-in-the street supporters and defenders of our monarchy. Its funding comes entirely from subscriptions and donations.  In many ways, the CMA resembles Australians for Constitutional Monarchy.







The International Monarchist League in Australia Limited, (IMLIA), which was incorporated as a company limited by guarantee with ASIC in 2006, has now been appointed the associate in Australia of the International Monarchist League.  As such, IMLIA is in a position to offer these journals at a favourable rate.  Subscriptions for these two journals may be taken out through Mr. Peter Cavanagh, 206 Glenmore Road, Paddington 2021 or fax 02 9332 2020, email [email protected]






The annual subscription to The Crown (that is the one on our own Royal Family), including postage within Australia, is $20.00,and for The Monarchy (about monarchy throughout the world), including postage within Australia, is $25.00.






These two journals are available at a special rate of $40.00 including postage within Australia.










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