April 14

National Events Calendar, 2009

Monday, 20 April 2009 12 noon for 12.30pm, Sydney:

Luncheon for The Queen’s 83rd Birthday. Speaker: the Hon. Dr Brendan Nelson MP.  Cello’s Restaurant, 169 Castlereagh Street. Cost $75. Bookings: ACM 02 92512500.  This will be an opportunity to thank Dr Nelson for his considerable work in the defence of the constitution and the flag.

Friday 29 April 2009  to be prescribed:

Scheduled Public Hearing of the Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Public Administration inquiry into the Plebiscite for an Australian Republic Bill 2008. Details TBA. 

Sunday 3 May 2009 at 12 noon, Wangaratta:

Malcolm Browning, President of the ACM North Eastern Branch, Victoria invites you to a light luncheon to mark “The North East Revival”. The Bulls Head Hotel, 87 Murphy Street Wangaratta. Guest speaker, ACM State Convenor, Brett Hogan. Interstate and non members welcome. Cost $20, payable to Bulls Head Hotel, Drinks at bar prices. Please reply by Friday 24th April 2009 to Malcolm Browning, “Stewarton”, PO Box 162 Yarrawonga, Vic. 3730

Saturday, 9 May 2009 2pm-4pm Mornington Peninsula Branch, Victoria:

Address  “ The Way Forward” Professor David Flint. Details TBA.


Wednesday, 3 June 2009 5.30pm, Sydney:

Launch of the ACM Education Project, The Crowned Republic by Australia’s leading broadcaster, Alan Jones.  The Jubilee Room, Parliament House.  Details TBA.

Thursday, 4 June 2009, Canberra:

Queen’s Birthday Lunch, Canberra Yacht Club. Speaker: Professor David Flint. Details TBA

Thursday 18 June 12noon for 12.30pm Hobart:

The Tasmanian Council for Commonwealth Societies Annual Queen's Birthday Luncheon at the Black Buffalo Hotel.  Cost $35 per person.  Bookings essential.  Individual or groups welcome.  Phone Reg Watson on 0409 975 587.

Tuesday 30 June 2009 12 Noon Sydney:

Luncheon offered by the English Speaking Union (NSW Branch). Guests of Honour: Major General Michael Jeffery AC AO CVO MC and Mrs Marlena Jeffery. Major General Jeffery will speak on “Reminiscences of a Governor-General” Sir Stamford Hotel, 93 Macquarie Street. Cost $75 (members ESU $70) Phone Fax ESU 0292863111 (24 hour answering machine)

Friday to Sunday 23-25 October 2009 Gold Coast:

11th National Conference since the referendum. Greenmount Beach Resort.


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