August 1

New ACM Email Distribution Policy


Dear Email Subscriber,

As you are aware, ACM has been reviewing our regular email services. We currently have two services, Media Releases and our Hot News. Normally we do not issue many Media Releases – they are reserved for the most important matters and are sent to the media as the official ACM view. Hot News are issued regularly and consist of information and opinion for internal distribution to our
subscribers. In the review, the entire ACM website is being revamped. However as from today, we are delighted to announce a new interim email service, which will be distributed to all ACM email subscribers.

We hope that the total review will be completed and up and running by the end of the year. We would therefore welcome any comments you may have on this new trial so that we can incorporate your thoughts on the restructured service.

From today, our regular email information services will be broken up into three components, which will all provide different types of information.

1. Hot News Email Service

The old Hot News will be retained but its format will be changed. Hot News will now provide you with general information on issues relating to ACM as they occur on a regular basis. We expect that many ACM supporters will be able to use this information service as an expression of their opinions and views. In particular, State Convenors will be invited to contribute regular Hot News as issues arise affecting their States.

2. Media Releases

These represent official ACM policy and will be issued on a needs basis to the media. From now on a copy of each will also be sent to all ACM email subscribers.

3. ‘From the National Convenor’s Desk’

These will be issued by Professor David Flint and will represent the views and opinions of the National Convenor on important issues as they affect the ACM cause.

Diana Melleuish, Publications and Research Administrator in National Office, will continue to work with myself to ensure all ACM mail subscribers are regularly updated on all important issues. If you have an issue that you would like distributed through the Hot News service, please forward
this to Diana, [email protected]. Please encourage all ACM supporters who utilise email to join this important service.

ACM Executive Director

Issued by the National Office of Australians for Constitutional Monarchy


ACM, David Flint, email

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