December 18

Petition for the continuing Peace, Order and Good Government of Australia

ACM's petition to the Prime Minister about the next Governor-General is open now. You can see it at at:

Read more below. (Incidentally we are not calling on The Queen to choose who should be Governor-General. The advice will still come from the PM as it has since 1930).

The Governor-General Quentin Bryce's descent into the political arena has resulted in a national debate.

ACM believes that we should look to the future and not engage in divisive debate about this. The principle is clear: our Head of State should be above politics.

We believe that constitutional monarchists should unite in expressing their views – through the Petition below – to the Prime Minister, the Honourable Tony Abbott MHR.

The Petition sets out what we believe should be the qualities of the persons whose names should be placed before Her Majesty, as her next representative in Australia. 

 …Queen not to choose Governor-General…

The petition in no way suggests The Queen choose the Governor-General.

It merely suggest the Prime Minister do no more than consider adopting an approach initiated by Sir Robert Menzies. This was to discuss in absolute confidentiality more than one name in the first stage of the process which was established over 80 years ago.

If prime ministers and premiers  took advantage of such clearly confidential and discreet consultations with our Queen, some less successful appointments may not have been made.

The petition, which was discussed at our 14th annual national conference,  also proposes the appointee be willing to accept a knighthood or equivalent if offered. All monarchist groups were invited to attend.

To this end, we invite all Australians to join together in expressing their convictions to the Prime Minister.

We invite you to sign the petition at:

Advance Australia Fair!
God Save The Queen!

[First published 8 December, 2013]

Petition for the continuing Peace, Order and Good Government of Australia

Petition to the Honourable Tony Abbott MHR, Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Australia.

We Petitioners are Citizens of Australia, united to defend our constitutional system of government.

We hold different political views.

We come from different ethnic origins.

We speak for different generations.

We defend the place of the Australian Crown in our constitutional system for it has served our nation well.

We pray therefore that when you advise Our Most Gracious Sovereign Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of Australia on the appointment of the next Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia,

You place before Her Majesty the name or names of Australians:

Who are eminent in their chosen field,
Who are committed to long standing and time honoured Australian institutions and symbols,
Who have no political ambitions,
Who accept that the Australian Crown is and must remain above the political arena,
Who will not divide, but will unite the country,
Who believe in constitutional monarchy and will swear the Oath of Allegiance to the Sovereign, without reservation or condition,
Who will in good faith at all times honour their Oath of Allegiance, and
Who are willing to accept the award of such high honours as Her Majesty The Queen may be pleased to confer.

And your Petitioners, men and women of Australia, as in duty bound, shall ever pray for Her Majesty's most prosperous reign.

Advance Australia Fair!
God Save The Queen!


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