April 15

Plebiscite Slammed As Waste of Taxpayers Funds


April 15, 2003
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release

Statement by the National Convenor
National Office, Sydney Australia

"There is one way – and one way only – to change the Constitution. That is through the Australian referendum, where all the details are on the table" said ACM Convenor David Flint about the ARM’s call for a plebiscite for some unknown republic.

"Constitutional plebiscites are a favourite tool of authoritarian regimes to get a blank cheque for whatever change they really want."

"Fortunately the Founders of our country were awake to this. So they chose the Swiss style of referendum where we see the details in advance." continued Professor Flint.

"Because the ARM are keeping the details of their third republic secret – or what is really appalling, haven’t the foggiest idea of what they want- they are actually asking Australians to cast a vote of no confidence in one of the world’s most successful constitutions."

"How many more millions of the taxpayers’ money have to be diverted from schools, hospitals and the aged, before the ARM finally accepts that they have already had two goes at this?"

"They were both generously funded by the long suffering taxpayer-and on the last occasion their second preferred model was rejected in every one of the States and in 72% of all electorates"

"Let the ARM use their own funds to do all the opinion polling they want. No more taxpayers money shuld be frittered away on this folly" said Professor Flint


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