May 13

Prime Minister and Opposition Leader agree – Royal Wedding magnificent

In a gracious tribute to Prince William and Catherine, Duke and Duchess of Cambridge,  Prime Minister  Hon. Julia Gillard declared to the House of Representatives ( 10 May 2011)  


“..On  behalf of all Australians, I rise to place on record the best wishes and congratulations of the Australian parliament and the Australia people on the marriage of Prince William and Catherine Middleton, now the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

“ Along with the Governor-General and Mr Bryce, Tim and I were honoured to represent Australia at Westminster Abbey.

…best wishes…

"We wish the Duke and Duchess all the best in the busy and demanding years that lie ahead. Theirs is a great time of renewal for the family and for Great Britain, and none of us would wish it any other way.

For those of us who have a different view about Australia's constitutional future, it highlights the fact that our debate should not be centred on individual qualities but on issues of principle debated in an atmosphere of civility and reason.

If Australia ever chooses a different path, it should be at the right time for the right reasons.

"In that spirit I welcome the marriage of William and Kate. It is good for Britain and good for the Commonwealth. May they enjoy a long and happy life together, as united at the end as they have been at the beginning.”

…May God Save The Queen… 

 The Leader of the Opposition Mr Tony Abbott added:

 “Mr Speaker, I rise to support the gracious remarks of the Prime Minister and I congratulate her for representing our country so well at this important occasion, the wedding of Australia's future king. It has rightly been celebrated throughout the world.

“I want to dwell for a moment on one facet of this celebration, namely the prayer which Prince William and Catherine wrote for their nuptials.

“I want to quote it, if I may:

“’In the busyness of each day, keep our eyes fixed on what is real and important in life and help us to be generous with our time and love and energy … help us to serve and comfort those who suffer.’

"What an inspirational young couple they are; what a beautiful lesson they have given us that should be heeded by all in public life.

“I have always wanted to say this in this chamber, so let me say with heartfelt conviction:

May God save the Queen." 


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