February 28

Commonwealth Games Snub the Queen


A spokeswoman for the organizers of the Melbourne Commonwealth Games  said this week: "We are not required to play the English national anthem at the opening ceremony and we shall not be playing the English national anthem at the opening ceremony."


This response demonstrates that those who have taken this decision are uninformed.  God Save the Queen is not only the British National Anthem, it is the Royal Anthem in Australia, and should be played when The Queen, Governor-General or Governors are present. It is a mistake to think it is only the British Anthem.


This was established by the Hawke Government in 1984. A copy of the relevant proclamation has been posted to the ACM site, http//:www.norepublic.com.au


"While it is unlikely that The Queen would take offence,  the public would be both disappointed and embarrassed. It seems ungracious, not so much even to the Queen, but to people at the ceremony and those watching by TV around the world," said Professor David Flint ACM National Convenor


"It would seem appropriate at some stage during the opening ceremony to play the royal anthem. I think most people would be pleased to hear it in the presence of The Queen. It is, after all, her 80th year."


ACM plans to appeal to the Premier, Mr Bracks, if the organisers if this matter cannot be sensibly resolved



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