July 13

Queen Has Our Eternal And Abiding Love, Declares War Hero

At times of grief, and of triumph, people turn to those leaders of the nation who are above politics.

So it was in London after those terrible bombings.

The crowds celebrating the 60th anniversary of the end of the war followed The Queen as she led her veterans down the Mall, braving a terrorist outrage by riding in an open land rover, with Prince Phillip at her side.

And according to MX News, 13 July, 2005, The Queen has made a substantial donation to a fund to help families of the victims of the London bombings.

At the lunch at Buckingham Palace last weekend for the veterans of the Second World War, The Queen sat next to Sir Tasker Watkins, who won a Victoria Cross in Normandy.

Sir Tasker delivered a speech on behalf of his fellow veterans to than their host. . According to the Weekly Telegraph, No 729, he reminded the world that The Queen had been” one of us”, serving in the ATS.

Her old soldier concluded:

”Ma’am, keep well, stay with us much longer.

You have our eternal and abiding love.

God bless you”

What more can we say than this?

Until next time,
David Flint


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