November 14

Queen Threatened By Al Quaeda

The Queen has led the Commonwealth in two minutes’ silence to honour the war dead, with more than 8,000 veterans made the annual pilgrimage to pay tribute to their fallen comrades at the Cenotaph in Whitehall.

The London Daily Telegraph reported that many frail veterans , depending on wheelchairs or walking sticks, joined the traditional march-past after waiting in line on the cold London November morning.

“On the first stoke of eleven by Big Ben, those gathered fell silent to remember service men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice for their country in past and present conflicts.

" Afterwards, following the firing of a cannon and the sounding of the Last Post, the Queen, who was dressed in black, laid the first wreath, placing a ring of poppies against the monument.

“She was followed by the Duke of Edinburgh, the Prince of Wales, the Duke of York, The Princess Royal and the Duke of Kent, all wearing military uniform.

“For the first time, the Duchess of Cornwall watched her husband from the balcony of the Foreign Office. She was with Prince William, who will join the army next year. Prince Harry marked the occasion at Sandhurst.

Sydney’s Ashfield Council marked the day with a studied insult to the Sovereign, and those who fought and died for God, King and Country, by taking down Her Majesty’s portrait in honour of a prime minister dismissed 30 years ago!

In the meantime, Reuters reports that Al Qaeda’s No 2, Ayman al-Zawahri has called The Queen "one of the severest enemies of Islam" .

This is in a video message shown on the Arab TV network, Al Jazeera.

The video, made after the terrorist outrages in London, also contains a statement by Mohammad Sidique Khan, the suspected ringleader of the July 7 bombings who was killed in the blasts.

The video warns of more attacks and also warns British Islamic leaders who "work for the pleasure of Elizabeth, the head of the Church of England". Zawahri says the Queen is ultimately responsible for Britain’s "crusader laws" and calls her an enemy of Muslims.

This of course is grossly unfair-the Royal Family has worked diligently and long for racial harmony in the UK and the Commonwealth.

The Royal Family has lived through periods of violence and threats of violence before, particularly the Nazi bombing of London , including the Palace, and more recently the murder by IRA terrorists of The Queen’s uncle, war hero Lord Mountbatten as well as others , including children.

The Queen will be as she has always been, constant and steadfast in attending to her duty.

Until next time,

David Flint


Al Quaeda, Commonwealth, Queen Elizabeth, Remembrance Day

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