September 11

Republic not mentioned in election


The Australian Republican Party received 1397 votes in the 2013 federal election. election. Other candidates who are republicans stood for other parties.

Labor and the Greens formally support moving to some sort of politicians’ republic  but both have moved away from taking any action on this.

Labor has abandoned its policy to change the flag. ACM hopes that it will also abandon its support for change, reflecting the attitude of many Labor voters.

…vote compass….

Vote Compass was part of the ABC’s election coverage this year, asking voters to answer 30 questions covering a range of policy issues explained Nick Gerber on the ABC website on 7 August 2013.

It was a fascinating initiative. Voters were able to see where they stand in relation to the platforms of the major political parties (ALP, Coalition and The Greens)

ABC radio’s Drive presenter, Paul Bevan, put these questions to local candidates every afternoon leading up to the election.

The first  question was “Australia should end the monarchy and become a republic. Agree or Disagree?”

The Australian Republican Party put up candidates for election as Senators for NSW. They received 1,397 primary votes or 0.04% of the electorate

It was put to two candidates.…

David Atwell was the Greens federal candidate for the Hunter. He said that while most Greens believe in a republic we would qualify that as a ”politicans’ republic”, there would be not one person who wants to see it rushed in.

The reason is obvious. it would fail dramatically and any body pushing it would be punished by the electorate.

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Liberal candidate for Paterson Bob Baldwin, although a noted monarchist, believes there are more issues to be addressed with the Australian constitution rather than just who is head of state.


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