January 26

“Republic on agenda for Australia Day”

The republican movement decided to try to divide the nation on Australia Day. They claim there is “overwhelming support throughout the community for a republic but nothing would happen unless the Government acted, “according to a report in The Australian ("Republic on agenda for Australia Day") on 26 January sourced to Australian Associated Press.

Although  the Australian of the Year asked that the day to be changed for something he claimed would less offend Aboriginal people, most Australians took little notice.

The movement must have different polling than that done by Morgan, News poll and others which shows support for a vague undefined politicians’ republic is the lowest recorded for fifteen years, with youth support  in free fall. Rather than actually explaining what he is proposing,  the republican chairman pointed out something very well known. This is thta a  number of politicians claim to be republicans, whatever that means.

"It (moving to a republic) is ALP policy, both the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition are republicans, the Greens want a plebiscite concurrent with the next federal election, the 2020 summit suggested it, and the Government's own committee heads are calling for it," he said. The ARM does seem to change both its chairmen and its executive directors frequently. The latest chairman is Mike Keating, who on our calculation is  their sixth chairman. 

He continued "But most of all, the people want it, so we are calling on the Government to commit to a process and a timeline."  The report stated "that Australians for Constitutional Monarchy national convenor David Flint said he 'regrets' people being divisive 'on the very day when Australians would wish to be united'".  


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