March 23

Republican advice

I highly recommend you visit the ACM website,” writes Paul Syvret in The Courier Mail (15/3) in a republican satire over the Prince William’s visit, “Royal chirp-up to the colonies.”  

He tells readers they will find there “a trove of useful information and links to speeches and so forth by the likes of Tony Abbott, John Howard and The Festival of Light's Reverend Fred Nile.”


Referring to our collection on the proposed federal mining tax in the context of our constitutional system he asks:

“ Did you know, for example, that the mining tax is not really about sharing the national wealth but is actually a sinister republican plot aimed at undermining federalism?”

We haven't attributed this to republicanism. But it does raise importnat constitutional, legal and philosophical issues. In particular, the extent to which it is  consistent with the principles of federalism.   We remain , after all, a Federal Commonwealth under the Crown and the Constitution. Note the word "Federal", Mr. Syvret.

“All this royalness has stirred up those restive coves at the Australian Republican Movement though – cads and bounders, the lot of them,” he adds. 

“Why, according to Professor Flint (AM), the pro-republic ratbags had the lack of grace to describe him recently as a "perma-tanned Indonesian blow-in".”

…I will secede…

He ends with a declaration concerning the days of the royal visit.

“I intend to secede from Australia for the next week and refuse to read a newspaper or turn on the telly,” he promises.

It would be surprising  if had not glanced at a newspaper or looked at a television during the visit. 

But if he did, we are in awe in the face of such sacrifice to principle.



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