April 27

Republican plan: expel the Victorian Governor.




Eddie McGuire, Melbourne’s media celebrity republican, has decided to have the Victorian Governor expelled from Government House Melbourne.

In this, he is following former NSW premier Bob Carr, now Macquarie Bank consultant.

Bob Carr admitted after leaving office that the reason for throwing out the Governor was the reserve powers.

Now aren’t the reserve powers a check and balance on the politicians?

“I'm sorry Governor de Kretser: the removal van is heading your way!” orders Mr. McGuire.

And what will the building be used for?

“ Let's put Mr Rudd in what is Government House in the Botanic Gardens,” he insists in “Time for a White House” ( Sunday Herald Sun , 27 April, 2008.)

Yes, he wants to put a federal politician in Government House.

The white house is the home of the US president. Is the current republican plan to make Mr. Rudd president?  

No wonder we called on this reaction to Mr. McGuire’s 1999 republic: “ Vote No to the politicians’ republic.”



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