As readers will be aware the republicans are flush with funds, just as they were when they lost the referendum in 1999. ACM scrimped and saved to lead the No campaign.
The republicans have so much money they can afford to commission a polling organisation, UMR, to undertake polls on questions carefully chosen by them.

The polls are then released to a too often gullible media. On one occasion this was done – and not only by one outlet – without the publication of the precise question. When we sought this from UMR we were told this could only released with the consent of their republican client. The ARM ignored our request for the release of the question.
We do not question the professional expertise of UMR, but have pointed out that its assessment of republican support is usually substantially higher than that of other pollsters.
…that $200k…
The Labor Party is also a client of UMR, but a dispute has been brewing there over $200,000 spent in former PM and ''lifelong republican'' Kevin Rudd's electorate which the ALP is trying to recover.
According to Michael McKenna in The Australian (''Labor pollster hangs on to $200K'') the $200,00 came from a donation by Taiwanese Kung Chin Yuan may well be in breach of electoral laws.
The Queensland ALP administrative committee has resolved to demand UMR return the money so that in turn it can return the donation to Mr. Kung.
The UMR has declined saying it paid for a program of research involving focus groups and ''robo'' calls to voters commissioned by Mr Rudd.