November 19

Republicans Attempt Hijack Royal Wedding: Channel 7

In this Channel 7 report on 17 November 2010 Australians, from the Governor-General, the Prime Minister – and ACM, welcome the engagement of Prince William to Kate Middleton.

In an on line poll, the TV network found 72% of Australians approved of Kate Middleton as Queen Consort to King William.

The one jarring note was the threat by the republican movement to hijack the wedding. Referred to as a"hijack" by the ABC, this has been almost universally condemned, even by republicans.


The Australian, the influential national newspaper which led the media campaign in the nineties to make Australia a republic, slammed this as "ill-timed".

This republican newspaper warned the republicans:

"The more the republican movement rides roughshod over the popular mood, the longer the inevitable change will take."


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