July 3

Republicans Desecrate Armed Forces Day


It seems that Australian republicans are not the only ones prepared to desecrate the very day set aside to honour those who have fought and too often died for their country.

We saw this in Australia 2010 when leading republicans misused ANZAC Day to promote flag change and advance some politicians’ republic. Until then, republicans mounted stunts, mostly risible, on public holidays first, The Queen’s Birthday and later Australia Day.

 Now an official inquiry established that this campaign, centred on a national TV programme on the eve of ANZAC Day was in fact misleading.

…attacks planned  on  British, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand and other constitutional systems…

 The United Kingdom republican movement works with Australian and other republicans through a transnational agency called 'Common Cause'.  They have declared war on all of our ancient constitutional systems – Canadian, British, New Zealand, Australian and others and replace them with a series of republics in which the political class will monopolise power. In other words they are campaigning for a series of politicians’ republics.

Not unsurprisingly, the United Kingdom republican movement decided to follow the appalling precedent set by Australian republicans and desecrate the United Kingdom Armed Forces Day 2011.


 This was rightly condemned by the British Monarchist League, through its Secretary General Thomas J. Muscatello-DeLacroix Mills.


In a strong statement, Armed Forces Day: A Day to Disrespect he points out that while members of the Royal Family attended ceremonies throughout the United Kingdom for those who have served, are serving, and have given so much in sacrifice for our great nation, a small group of Republican protesters sent this appalling message to the brave men and woman who serve our nation:

 “We have no respect for you”!

…protest outside the law…

  (Continued below) The pressure group Republic staged not just a gathering, but an “illegal protest” outside the gates of Buckingham Palace on Armed Forces Day just to bring attention to their misleading propaganda about Royal Finances. It was of course just before the Palace had scheduled the release of this year’s Royal Expenditure figures.

An dof course the republicans are not interested in the fact that the monarchy is self-funded; their interest is to destory it as part of a sinister campaign to increase the power of the politicial class, and not only in the UK.  

There are plenty of places where the republicans could have demonstrated. But they weren't happy with that.

Their plan was to get the maximum media attention by doing this outside Buckingham Palace. To do this they had to ask permission of The Royal Parks, an official body which handles the various Royal Parks in London. The Parks the places for the people to enjoy; they are not there for  a handful of noisy placard wielding republicans want to steal attention from service men and women on the evening TV news on this special day.

Their request was denied by the authorities for the simple reason that protests or demonstrations within the Royal Parks are not allowed.The republicans ignored this any possible legal implications of staging a protest, and decided on an illegal demonstration so as to obtain maximum media attention.For an organisation that claims the Crown is out of touch with the people, it is surely Republic and its followers who are truly the ones out of touch.

Congratulations to the British Monarchist League and its outspoken Secretary General for defending the  the Armed Forces and the Crown


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