September 4

Royal, Young & Hip

The September edition of The Australian Women's Weekly features a 25-page special, "Royal, Young & Hip – The New Breed Shaping the Monarchy".

The feature includes the following comments from Former Governor-General, Major General Michael Jeffery, ACM's first Executive Director, The Hon. Tony Abbott, and ACM's current Executive Director, Jai Martinkovits.

Major General Michael Jeffery
Former Governor-General and
Head of Fundraising for The Queen
Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Trust

"Prince William, his vivacious Duchess and Prince Harry will adapt as necessary, but in a manner that will always hold true to the fundamentals of a modern royalty – duty, wisdom, compassion and integrity.  They each will be a highly respected and much-loved focal point of national and Commonwealth unity.  We will all be blessed to have them."

Opposition Leader
The Hon. Tony Abbott

"The monarchy has served Australians extremely well in the past and I have no reason to think that it won't continue to serve us well into the future.

I think all Australians are feeling pretty pleased and proud of the new generation of young royals.  William and Kate's wedding clearly highlighted this affection.  The recent changes to the line of succession are a clear sign that the monarchy can move with the times and that ancient institutions need not be anachronisms."

Jai Martinkovits
Executive Director
Australians for
Constitutional Monarchy

"We know from looking at the opinion polls that one of the strongest brackets of support [for the royals in Australia] comes from our youth.

Having this royal couple who are relevant to them cements that support.

That really shores up the future of the monarchy and Australia's relationship with it."


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