August 14

Russell Crowe, constitutional monarchist.


How refreshing it was that Russell Crowe recently voiced support of the monarchy in an interview for the UK’s Sun newspaper, wrote Dean Bertram, in the Spectator ( “Hooray for Hollywood” 17/7 )

  As we reported here on 4 May ( “Russell Crowe a monarchist“)    while he was  in Europe to attend the premiere ahead of Robin Hood's premiere at the Cannes Film Festival on 12 May, he told aa London  newspaper that he does not support Australia or New Zealand becoming  a republic.


    [ Proudly wearing his grandfather's MBE insignia….God Save The Queen ]   

 "I am an English speaking man," he told The Sun."You can call me a Kiwi or you can call me an Aussie but my family history on both sides is British and it goes back a long way."When you are talking about Queen Elizabeth, I don't think there is a more gracious world leader."

 "I've met both (Princes) Charles and Andrew and they were both intelligent and kind men."  When Russell Crowe was awarded the Oscar in 2001 he wore the MBE insignia which had been awarded to his grandfather, declaring as he held the Oscar, “ God Save The Queen”.

 His great-great grandmother was of Maori descent whilst his paternal grandfather was born in Wales. He also traces his family line to Scotland, England, Ireland and Norway

.    ….Sir Russell?… 


When Sir Peter Jackson was knighted recently in Wellington, we suggested that Russell Crowe should also be recommended for the award of a knighthood in the New Zealand Order of Merit.  And why not?




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