October 30

Senate: Western Australia*


Graeme Campbell, Independent  has sent us this press release:


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DATE 24/10/07

 Graeme Campbell the independent candidate for the Senate election in Western Australia said that the major parties were so ingrossed in out bidding each other to buy votes that important issues were not even being discussed.  Graeme Campbell said that imagination and republic were just two such issues. That  have not appeared on the political radar yet they are very important and are of great concern in the electret.  I am confident that if a referendum was held today on a republican issue then people would support the monarchy even more then they did at the last referendum.  Sadly given the history of the Labour party in ignoring wishes of the people determined through referenda  (Day light savings and extended trading hours) are just two recent examples. If Rudd wins the election it is quite possible that he will conspire with the States that all have Labour governments to bring in a republic by the back door. Unfortunately the Liberals offer no real hope, as both Costello and Turnbell have been vocal about getting a republic I recall being told by Ian MacLachland that of the Liberal front bench he would only rely on himself Josh Howard and Alexander Downer. Ian MacLachland is no longer there so the odds are even shorter. Graeme Campbell said that the reason that politicians want republic especially the authoritarian of the left of the Labour party is that they know republic removes one of the check and balances and increases the power of executive government. As an Independent Senator I will strongly oppose all moves to enhance republican cause and people should remember that the senate is always going to stand in the way of the grubby politicians grab for power.

If elected I can be relied upon to support the monarchy and to campaign for it if necessary. Further more I will campaign strongly for a small amendment to the constitution that would allow the people to call for referenda to provide security against devious but predictable manipulation by the politicians. 




Alison Xamon, candidate for the  Greens Party presented the Generic Greens Response:
















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