March 2

Senator Cory Bernard; a man of his word

Writing in The Australian’s  popular “Strewth” column (2/3)  James Jeffrey reports:

LABOR senator Dana Wortley was sitting next to Liberal senator Cory Bernardi on the flight from Adelaide to Canberra on Sunday.

Wortley tells Strewth Bernardi was "nicely dressed" in a dark suit and gold, crown-shaped cufflinks.

When a flight attendant admired the cufflinks, Bernardi said he was given them after defending the role of the Queen at the constitutional convention.

Which queen, queried the hostie. Answered Bernardi, the Queen of Australia.

Wortley says at this stage, the hostie asked, "Who? Julia?"

We're confident the ever illuminating Bernardi set her straight on this one.

So are we, Mr. Jeffrey, so are we.

Senator Bernardi , a man of strong principles and beliefs, has sworn the Oath of Allegiance and feels bound by it.  He is a man of his word.

So what happens when certain politicians have to give evidence under Oath? Of what value is that? They could not possibly be men or women of their word.


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