February 5

Shock ABC republic, flag change prime time TV promotion


The ABC promoted shredding our flag and changing to a politicians’ republic in a curious segment  in  its flagship current affairs programme, Q&A.


Tim Levinson is also known as Urthboy, a hip hop artist and manager of record label, Elefant Traks. He appeared on the ABC’s Q&A programme on 4 February 2013, the first for the year.  Other panellists were Coalition politician Christopher Pyne, former Coalition politician Amanda Vanstone, Labor politician David Bradbury , and journalist , author and feminist Anne Summers.

Although moving to a politicans’ republic was not mentioned on the programme the chairman Tony Jones did so in a special mention at the end when he invited Mr. Levenson to sing in an American accent a ditty entitled “Empire Tags.”  

Most if not all members of the panel are republicans. Ms. Vanstone and Mr. Pyne are outspoken supporters of some form of politicans' republic. Certainly, no known defender of our constitution or flag was there.

Readers may wonder why the ABC is promoting these issues.


Keep Our Flag

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