May 10

Support for republic collapses among Labor voters and the young


Support for a vague undefined politicians’ republic is collapsing in Australia and across the Realms.  This extends to what is commonly thought to be their most popular model, a republic with an elected presidency.

A reader has just sent us polling from an Australian company, Essential Media Communications.

I understand  they are  union-backed pollsters and campaigner who undertake market research work and campaigns for NGOs, unions, etc.  Sky TV News occasionally runs their polling.

They seem to have an impressive record, mainly acting for “progressive” causes. Their current political polling is more or less consistent with that of the other pollsters.

…Prince William supported by most, including the young and Labor voters…

 On 2 May  2011, they asked a question the terminology of which favours the republican case. This relates to the use of the term Head of State.  ACM has long argued the Governor-General is Head of State.

The question was:

Under the current arrangements, Prince William will be Australia’s Head of State when he becomes King. Would you approve or disapprove of Prince William as Australia’s Head of State?

Sixty per cent approved.  That is worth repeating.  Sixty per cent approved.

The breakdowns are enlightening: Labor 58%, Liberal/National 69%, Greens 38%, Men 56%, Women, 64% , those aged 18-34  56%, those  aged 35-54 60%, and those aged more than 55 65%.

The high support among Labor voters and the young will worry republicans.

Only 13% disapproved. And apart from the Greens at 30% disapproving, there was little difference between supporters of different parties, the sexes or age groups. 

17% were undecided.

The details are here.



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