June 4

Swan-Turnbull republic bombs


There has been little support for the Swan Turnbull Republican push if letters in the press, particularly republican newspapers, is any indication.

This of course confirms the polling trends over the last few years  set out on this site..

In fact, Malcolm Turnbull recognised this when he declared in his diary months  before the 1999 referendum: “Nobody is interested.” The diary was called: "Fighting for the Republic."

One wag said it should be called: "Whingeing for the Republic."

On 4 June 2013 The Sydney Morning Herald published three letters under the heading “Questions to answer before republic debate can be settled.” 

Noel Hadjimichael of Roseville writes:

It is great news that some arguments beyond the ''we need to grow up'' mantra have emerged on the republican side of the debate over our successful constitutional system. However, this debate remains fully in the shadow of the numerous issues that affect the quality of life of everyday Australians. Roll on September.

Leo Vilensky  of Castle Cove writes:

Here we go again, the vocal minority is trying to change Australia to a republic, with Wayne Swan leading the charge with a few notable Coalition supporters. With the damage done to Australia by the ALP and our Treasurer, do we really need another distraction from reality?


…great news…


Mark Holman of  Willoughby writes:

The Australian pro-republic movement is pushing down the same ill-fated course it pursued in the 1999 referendum.

I believe most Australians accept the idea of a republic. But we do remember the Whitlam dismissal in 1975 when we learnt that the head of state did more than attend horse races in a funny hat.

We want a number of questions answered before voting ''yes'': how the head of state will be appointed and what powers the office will have. Until these questions are answered, expect a ''no'' vote.



… Taking a stand….


In the meantime, the Sydney Daily Telegraph published one letter under the heading “Taking a stand against Queen and our country”.

G Williams of Sutherland writes:

 Malcolm Turnbull is welcome to his ambition to be president of a Republic, but keep it to himself.

I think you should go and tried to join the Labour Party again the seems to be inordinately fond of what they tried to stand for. 

God knows they have a problem actually standing for anything sustainable that they can actually managed to see through to an acceptable outcome. God save our Queen.


…texting too… 

There were two texts published in the newspaper.

From Linda: Budget crisis, and all we get is Swan and Turnbull playing the republic card.

And from Maree: Wayne Swan, Australia has bigger issues to deal with than worrying about becoming a republic. Manufacturing, jobs, border protection, just for a start.


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