November 2

Televised Morgan Polling, ACM event : 8 November


Australia has just seen one of the most successful Royal Visits with the Morgan Poll released at the ACM National Conference informing the media and the nation on the true level of support for the Crown.( Download the flyer here.)

It is clear that most Australians recognise the extraordinary devotion to duty which has been the hallmark of this reign, and indeed that of The Queen’s father and her grandfather.

Now that the visit is over, the level of support for the Crown will be reviewed in a  televised event from Sydney’s Parliament House on 8 November.


…Morgan Polling…

Roy Morgan polling – the nation’s oldest – has been consistent in measuring support for constitutional change. When we were planning the recent 12th national conference, we decided to invite Morgan polling to present a survey on trends in public opinion since the referendum.

We wanted to know to what extent our conclusions on polling on this  website  are consistent with expert opinion in this field.)That survey set an important context for the Royal Visit. Its conclusion that support for a politicians’ republic has been trending down and is now below support for the constitutional monarchy was featured on the news in Australia and around the world.

This was an important background influence on media reporting of the event.

…state of the nation…


We are now following this up with a major event in Parliament House Sydney on 8 November when Roy Morgan research will assess support for the constitutional monarchy and on the fundamental issues which are shaping the national debate.

With the media likely to be in attendance, this cobranded event will probably attract a capacity audience. The full programme is being filmed for broadcast on television.  

Early bookings are advisable. A flyer may be downloaded here. 


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