February 7

The Accession: “A time for pride in our identity,” declares HM’s Canadian Government.


It was good to see the Governor-General, His Excellency Major General Michael Jeffery AC CVO MC sent the following message to Her Majesty The Queen on the occasion of the 56th Anniversary of Her Accession to the Throne: "It gives me great pleasure, on behalf of the people of Australia, to send to Your Majesty loyal and affectionate greetings on the Anniversary of Your Accession to the Throne”.  

Her Majesty’s  Canadian government, through the Hon. Jason Kenney, Pvivy Counsellor, Member of Parliament, and Secretary of State (Multiculturalism and Canadian Identity), also took the opportunity presented by Accession Day to encourage all Canadians to "express their pride in our identity as a constitutional monarchy and in the democratic heritage left to us by our forbears."  (This information came from Harold Schmauze of the Monarchist Alliance.)

And at a very well attended ACM luncheon at Parliament House Sydney,  the National and Royal Anthems were sung, the Loyal Toast and prayers offered before one of the nation’s outstanding historians on British and Australian politics, John Paul gave an outstanding and moving account of the Accession 56 years ago.

This address was received with great interest and appreciation, and will be posted to the ACM site in the very near future.


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