November 20

The Diamond Anniversary of the Royal Wedding

Today, 20 November 2007 is the 60th Anniversary of the wedding of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, and His Royal Highness Prince Philip.When she was twenty one, the then Princess Elizabeth revealed in an address from Capetown to the Commonwealth and to the world what was to be the guiding principle of her life and her reign.

Her Majesty said : “"I declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service and the great imperial family to which we all belong."  With Prince Philip, her support, by her side she has never once strayed from this statement of principle. Her subjects and her many, many admirers across the world will join in saying God Save The Queen.

 Our colleague, Harold Schmautz, who coordinates the work of the Melbourne based Monarchist Alliance, and sends out the most informative pieces of information, previously asked whether the Australian media, for example the ABC, would cover the service in Westminster Abbey. They did not. He points out that the German people could see the event because their equivalent of the ABC broadcast the service, as confirmed by their website,  


He has brought together a collection of news reports and comments on the wedding, which follow:  

60 years on,we're back, old thing tol/news/ uk/article289095 9.ece

Royal couple go back to wedding night retreat
http://tinyurl. com/2th6wf
http://www.telegrap main.jhtml?
xml=/news/2007/ 11/18/nroyal418. xml

Queen releases 60 wedding facts
http://news. 1/hi/uk/7100282. stm story/0,, 2212966,00. html

Back to the beginning 60 years on story/0,, 2212977,00. html

Queen's diamond 60th do
http://www.thesun. homepage/ news/royals/ article476667. ece

The First Editions: Royal Celebrations Rule The Day
http://www.theroyal view/3023/ 2/

http://tinyurl. com/3cnjjp skynews/20071117 /tuk-queen- to-celebrate-
diamond-wedding- a-45dbed5. html

National Archive opens for royal celebration
http://tinyurl. com/2rnpg8
http://www.theage. world/national- archive-opens- for-royal-
celebration/ 2007/11/17/ 1194767020467. html

Queen and Prince Philip recreate honeymoon photo to mark 60 years of
wedded bliss
http://tinyurl. com/2kw2xd
http://www.dailymai live/articles/ showbiz/showbizn ews.htm
l?in_article_ id=494715& in_page_id= 1773

Royals' diamond day at abbey
http://tinyurl. com/2krvky pressass/ 20071117/ tuk-royals- diamond-day- at-
abbey-6323e80_ 1.html

60 facts for the Royal anniversary
http://tinyurl. com/2yyj86
http://www.sundaymi news/dailynews/ 2007/11/17/ 60-facts- for-
the-royal-anniversa ry-89520- 20119837/
This is how the media reported on the Diamond Jubilee:  Family members gather to share thanksgiving with Queen Elizabeth
http://www.hellomag royalty/2007/ 11/19/queen- anniversary/

A suitably regal anniversary
http://news. 2/hi/uk_news/ 7101795.stm

The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh attend diamond anniversary service
http://www.timesonl tol/news/ uk/article289961 8.ece

Queen Elizabeth marks 60 years of marriage
http://uk.reuters. com/article/ lifestyleMolt/ idUKL19682841200 71119

Charles toasts parents on 60th anniversary
http://tinyurl. com/24bpl6
http://www.canada. com/ottawacitize n/news/story. html?id=46824e29 -1bca-
44bd-80e9-f1e127482 fb6

Something old, something new
http://tinyurl. com/ypw3zm
http://www.manchest ereveningnews. s/1024867_ something_ old_so

Charles hosts diamond wedding party
http://ukpress. article/ALeqM5h0 NooGLFTr8UN24K0_ fYMFes_RVw

http://tinyurl. com/26lmku
http://www.elpais. com/articulo/ gente/Reino/ Unido/celebra/ bodas/diamant
e/reina/elpepugen/ 20071119elpepuag e_5/TesThe Diamond Anniversary: A love match the nation badly needed
http://tinyurl. com/35xtp7
http://www.telegrap main.jhtml?
xml=/portal/ 2007/11/19/ ftqueen119. xml&DCMP= ILC-traffdrv0705 3100

Royal Photo Recreates 1947 Honeymoon
http://news. article/0, ,30100-1293284, 00.html?f= rss

Brits Hail Queen's Diamond Anniversary st/story/ 0,,-7086984, 00.html

One's diamond wedding snap
http://www.thesun. homepage/ news/article4793 74.ece

Sixty facts about a royal marriage
http://news. 2/hi/uk_news/ 7100546.stm  A video of an interview with the lady who made The Queen’s dress can be seen at: 


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