April 8

The Inquest


…at fault: the driver, the paparazzi and certain sections of the media…

“Newspapers let out a collective sigh of relief” after the inquest into the death of  Diana, Princess of Wales returned a verdict. They called for her to finally be left to rest in peace, according to a report from Agence France Presse on  8 April, 2008 . The jury returned verdicts of unlawful killing through grossly negligent driving, blaming chauffeur Henri Paul and paparazzi photographers who had pursued her car at high speed. 

The jurors added that the fact that Diana and Dodi Fayed were not wearing seatbelts contributed to their deaths.


The jury could have added a significant partner to the paparazzi: those sections of the British and indeed international media that bought the products of their several incursions into her  privacy and that of Prince Charles.

Let us not forget how cunning those same sections of the British press were. They distracted attention from their own guilt by pointing an accusing finger at the entirely innocent Queen Elizabeth who quite properly kept the young princes at Balmoral during the first few days after the tragedy.


These sections of the British media have escaped any condemnation for their appalling and cynical behaviour.  We should not forget this.

In the meantime, Mohamed Al Fayed has not withdrawn his ridiculous and unfounded accusation that the couple were killed in an establishment plot involving senior royals including Queen Elizabeth II's husband Prince Philip, to prevent her marrying a Muslim.

Initially, Mr. Al Fayed attracted some sympathy – he had after all lost his son. But his accusations have been shown in these several inquiries to be baseless.


It is time for him to be quiet. In the interests above all of the young princes, he should keep his peace.


Mr. Al Fayed is after all a guest in the United Kingdom. He should respect the hospitality of his hosts. If he continues his baseless and cruel accusations, his gross defamation of our Royal Family, as he unfortunately shows every sign of doing, it is surely time to wonder whether he should continue to reside in this Realm.


For the sake of above all her sons, it is time to allow Diana, Princess of Wales, to rest in peace.

  …Statement by The Princes…. 

Clarence house has released this statement by HRH Prince William and HRH Prince Harry:

 “We should like to thank the members of the Jury at the Inquests into the deaths of our mother and Dodi Al Fayed for the thorough way in which they have considered the evidence. We agree with their verdicts, and are both hugely grateful to each and every one of them for the forbearance they have shown in accepting such significant disruption to their lives over the past six months. 

“Both of us are much indebted to the Coroner, Lord Justice Scott Baker, for his unfailing courtesy, and for all the consideration shown by him and his staff not only to us but to all those involved in this hearing. We are particularly grateful to Trevor Rees, and to others who came forward to give evidence – in many cases reawakening their painful and personal memories. 

“Finally, the two of us would like to express our most profound gratitude to all those who fought so desperately to save our mother’s life on that tragic night.”


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