July 3

The People’s Poll: Record 100,000 Canadians Jam Ottawa To Celebrate Canada Day WithTheir Queen


This is how The Monarchist League of Canada reported the homecoming of their beloved  Sovereign, Queen Elizabeth II.

"From coast to coast to coast, Canadians welcome home our Queen and her Consort from June 28th to July 6th," The League reported.

"The embodiment of the Canadian state, Elizabeth II personifies the role of the Crown—which she identified in a 1973 speech to be seen as 'all that is best and most admired in the Canadian ideal'”.

"During over 60 years of service, first as a princess and then as our sovereign, The Queen has shown she is “no fair weather friend”, but rather, as former Minister of Canadian Heritage Sheila Copps observed in 2002, The Queen's Golden Jubilee year, “a Sovereign, faithful and loyal to our people”, as well as one of the most internationally-known and respected figures in the world."

…Dominion Chairman reports…

The League’s indefatigable Dominion Chairman, Robert Finch reports on his most informative blog:


As we're now more than half way through the 2010 Royal Tour (time flies when you're having fun!) I thought  I'd take the opportunity to say a big thank-you to all of our volunteers who are doing the League proud.  Our media team is in overdrive, our social media (Facebook and Twitter) is attracting new followers daily, our website continues to attract record hits, and, yes, we're busy welcoming new members to the League.  Within the first hours of the Royal Tour, we welcomed over 20 new members to the League.

Without question, the monarchist mood of Canadians has taken a grip.  The crowds have been huge.  Media coverage has been excellent.  And, no one is talking about a republic.

I truly believe that the genuine support for the monarchy that we are seeing amongst Canadians is in no small way thanks to the good work of the Monarchist League of Canada.  We can give ourselves a pat on the back and be proud of our accomplishments.

Keep up the good work, my friends.  And, let's keep busy!




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