One of the outstanding scenes of The Queen’s first tour of Australia was at the Surf Carnival at Bondi Beach. The Queen and the Duke stayed longer than their schedule allowed . The road along the beach front, now Queen Eliazabeth Drive, is a permanent reminder.
Now, the Waverley Historical Society extends a cordial invitation to supporters of ACM to attend a lecture by Ms Kimberly O’Sullivan-Steward entitled, "The Queen, the Lifesavers and Bondi Beach, 1954".
Ms O’Sullivan-Steward is the Local Studies Librarian at Waverley Library. Her lecture is scheduled for 4 p.m. on on Monday, 10th April. It will be held at the Bondi Junction-Waverley R.S.L. Club, Gray St , Bondi Junction. There is no charge. Enquiries may be addressed to Marcia, telephone (02)9387 1266