March 10

Who supports the return of the Governor?


Three parties have indicated they support the return the Governor to Government House.  


Fred Nile, the Leader of the Christian Democratic Party has long held this position, and he once again confirmed this at a meeting ACM called at Parliament House on 28 February,2007. The Christian Democrat candidates are listed on the Christian Democratic Party site election page.


On 21 February, 2007 the Leader of HM NSW Opposition, the Hon. Peter Debnam confirmed to Alan Jones on 2GB that under a Coalition government, the next Governor would live in Government House, and the present Governor would be given the option to return.  The Liberal Party candidates are listed on the Party’s website.


The National Party is led by Andrew Stoner, a strong constitutional monarchist.  The National candidates are listed on the National Party’s website.


The Executive Director of ACM, Thomas Flynn, is writing to the candidates of the major parties, and others to ascertain their views on the return of the Governor to Government House.  Relevant responses, or a summary of them, are being posted to this site – see the entry above dated 19 March 2006.

Since writing this, we are now delighted to advise that the Hon. Peter Draper, the independent member for Tamworth, has confirmed that he supports the proposal that the Governor reside at Government House.  The Hon. Dawn Fardell, the independent member for Dubbo and the Hon.Robert Oakeshott, the independent member for Port Macquarie, believe that Governors should have the personal option of living at Government House or at their own homes. 

We congratulate these MP’s and candidates on their principled stand.  As further information comes to hand, we shall post this to this site.


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