June 4

Wild about Harry

   One of the posters issued in the Second World War warned “Loose Lips Sink Ships!” The message was clear. Don’t inadvertently pass on any intelligence what soever to the enemy. It is pleasing to see that the British authorities have learned again this essentially rule in the conduct of hostilities.  Now do not know-as we should never have known- where Prince Harry, or as he is known in the Army, Second Lieutenant Wales, will serve his country.

Our Royal Family has a long and distinguished record of service, and there is no reason why this should not continue. The Prince’s father, uncle ( HRH Prince Andrew, Duke of York) his grandfather, ( HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh) his great- grandfather ( HM King George VI ) and his great- great- grandfather ( HM King George V) all served . It is a long and noble tradition.

There are reports that Prince Harry is in training in Canada. Where he may be going is a secret as it should be. But his apparent presence in Canada has excited the Canadians. The front page of the Calgary on 3 June 2007 reflected this when it captured the mood in Alberta and Canada: “Wild About Harry” accompanied by a photograph of the handsome Prince in uniform.

Journalist Pablo Fernandez ( NB  republicans: this is not an English name), under the headline in that day’s issue of the Calgary Sun  “Ogres eyeing royal rugby,”  said that while Prince Harry is a royal and a soldier,   for members of the Medicine Hat Ogres — who have extended an invitation for the prince to join them on the field — he's a rugby player first. "If he wants to come out, that would be brilliant," said team member Trent Teft.

The newspaper reported  that Prince Harry, an armoured reconnaissance troop leader with the British Army's elite Blues and Royals of the Household Cavalry and third in line to the throne, is conducting military training at CFB Suffield, as a possible prelude to being deployed to Afghanistan. The newspaper says the Ogres already have a strong representation from Suffield-based soldiers from the U.K. and Fiji, as well as Canadian civilians.  According to Willie Taillon, the team president, the Ogres are “buzzing over” the arrival of the rugby-loving Prince.

In another  story in the Calgary Sun on the same day,” City charmed by nearby prince,”  Mr. Fernandez  reported that while the Prince was in southern Alberta training for war and “his heart belongs to a long-time girlfriend,” that was not keeping young Medicine Hat girls from “getting giddy” over him.

If she could get her hands on him, she'd take him bungee jumping, said Renae Laturnus.  "He's pretty hot — he wears the red hair pretty well," she said. Brittany Beyer and Karissa Donkersgoed said they were excited to hear the prince is currently just down the road.

"It's pretty cool because he's very hot," said Ms. Beyer. "He's very good looking," added Ms. Donkersgoed. But it wasn't just young girls who had Harry on their minds. Local radio station “My 96 FM” had received calls throughout the day from listeners calling for “Harry updates” or confirming his stay at the base, while one caller to another radio station “CHAT 94.5” had invited the Prince out for a drink.

In one  of Canada’s leading newspapers, The Globe and Mail on 3 June, 2007, reporter Katherine Harding said that just as  Princess Anne was touring Saskatchewan, there was “rampant media speculation” that her nephew, Prince Harry, the third in line to the  throne, was secretly training at CFB Suffield, which is apparently one of the largest live-fire training military bases in the Western world. British troops have trained there since 1972.

Noting that the Calgary Sun’s front page “screamed “ the headline “Wild about Harry,” on the previous Sunday, the report said that another local newspaper reported that Harry, had been seen laughing and joking with other soldiers at the base's café bar.  “He was just talking to the boys. He just blends right in. I think he's just a normal boy,” an unnamed source told the Calgary Herald. The Globe and Mail confirmed that local radio stations had reported fielding calls from people who also claimed to have seen the Prince.

British and Canadian military officials, as well as the Royal Family's press office, quite properly refused to confirm or deny whether Prince Harry was indeed training at CFB Suffield.

 “The British army, nor does the Canadian army, speculate on the employment of either Prince William or Prince Harry,” said Captain Mark Beaman, a spokesman for the British Army Training Unit Suffield.

The Rev. Robert Greene, chairman of the Calgary Branch of the  Monarchist League of Canada, said he was not  surprised that official information about the prince's possible trip to Alberta was not being released.  Father Greene said it was unlikely that Harry would make any public appearances in Canada before travelling back to England.




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